Basic Calculator

Calculator using Dropdown in PHP

Submitted by azalea zenith on
In this tutorial, we are going to create Calculator using Dropdown in PHP. I create this simple program in PHP using the drop-down menu to select a mathematical operator such as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. Check the live demo, click the button below. First, we have to create the markup for this program.

Calculator in Visual Basic

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial, I would like to share you this project called Calculator in Visual Basic. This project support the basic functions of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication, as well as changing the sign of the number the "+/-" key. It's up to you if you want to support the sqrt(√), percent(%), and (1/x) functions.

Simple Math Calculator Using CheckBox

Submitted by alpha_luna on
This is a simple program using JavaScript. And it’s called Simple Math Calculator Using CheckBox. This is a very common program, but this is suited for the beginner in JavaScript Language. This program contains 2 textboxes where the user types for the numeric value, then 4 check box for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.