
Animated Text in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
Today in C#, I will teach you how to create a program than can have an animated text. With this, you don’t need to drag any Label in the Form. It is because, the codes will be the one to make a text that will be appear in the Form by using the C# language. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application in C# for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2.

Razmazio : JAVA Side Scroller Game Programming part2

Submitted by moazkhan on


Razmazio : JAVA Side Scroller Game Programming part2

In this tutorial you will learn: 1. Playing sound in JAVA 2. Adding points in java 3. Adding custom Mario FONTS 4. Timer class 5. Animations using timer 6. Side Scroller game 7. Game Programming 8. Changing screens in the game 9. Swing Animations 10. Event handling 11. JAVA awt 12. JAVA swing 13. Adapters In this tutorial I will continue coding my previous tutorial. I will continue adding more functions in GamePanel class.

Razmazio : JAVA Side Scroller Game Programming part1

Submitted by moazkhan on


Razmazio : JAVA Side Scroller Game Programming part1

In this tutorial you will learn: 1. Timer class 2. Animations using timer 3. Side Scroller game 4. Game Programming 5. Changing screens in the game 6. Swing Animations 7. Event handling 8. JAVA awt 9. JAVA swing 10. Adapters Today I am going to teach you how to make a simple yet fun game in JAVA. This tutorial will be divided into two parts so that thing remain simple and everyone could easily understand. In this game we will try to copy the basics features of SUPER MARIO.

PACMAN Animation Programming part2

Submitted by moazkhan on


PACMAN Animation Programming part2

In this tutorial you will learn: 1. Game Programming 2. Swing Animations 3. Event handling 4. JAVA awt 5. JAVA swing 6. Adapters Now we will continue making our PacMan animation. In this tutorial we will write the functions and conditions for up , down ,left and right. Which we were calling in our detect collision function.

Mouseover Fade Effect

Submitted by GeePee on
A very simple image animation yet a very interesting one. This animation is what we mostly see in web designs and can also be used in making image gallery. The code is very simple and easy to understand. I change the opacity of the image into .5 and when the user hover on it, image opacity change into 100%. Hope you learn from this simple project.

PACMAN Animation Programming part1

Submitted by moazkhan on


PACMAN Animation Programming part1

In this tutorial you will learn: 1.Game Programming 2.Swing Animations 3.Event handling 4.JAVA awt 5.JAVA swing 6.KeyListeners Today I am going to teach you how to make a simple PACMAN mockup. In this tutorial we will only set up the pacman character and will provide functionality to the character using arrow key. After that we will set up the pacman mouth open close animation. Then we will setup it’s collision with a wall.

Bouncing Ball Animation in JAVA using MutiThreading

Submitted by moazkhan on


Bouncing Ball Animation in JAVA in MutiThreading

In this tutorial you will learn: 1.Multi Threading 2.Inner Classes 3.Swing Animations 4.JAVA awt 5.JAVA swing 6.Adapters A lot of newbies ask this question how to make a bouncing ball animation in java using graphic elements so I decided to address this problem and today I am going to teach you how to make a very simple bouncing ball animation in java. In this tutorial we will be working in JAVA SWING.

JAVA Catch the Eggs Game Programming part2

Submitted by moazkhan on


JAVA Catch the Eggs Game Programming part2 In this tutorial you will learn: 1.Game Programming 2.CardLayout 3.Changing screens in the game 4.Internal Classes 5.Swing Animations 6.Event handling 7.JAVA awt 8.JAVA swing 9.Adapters In this tutorial I will continue coding my previous tutorial and write the GamePanel class which we left empty in our previous tutorial.

JAVA Catch the Eggs Game Programming part1

Submitted by moazkhan on


JAVA Catch the Eggs Game Programming part1

In this tutorial you will learn: 1.Game Programming 2.CardLayout 3.Changing screens in the game 4.Internal Classes 5.Swing Animations 6.Event handling 7.JAVA awt 8.JAVA swing 9.Adapters 10.BoxLayout Today I am going to teach you how to make a simple yet fun game in JAVA. This tutorial will be divided into two parts so that thing remain simple and everyone could easily understand.

JAVA Animation with PAUSE,RESUME and EXIT functionality

Submitted by moazkhan on


Animation with PAUSE, RESUME and EXIT functionality

In this tutorial you will learn: 1.Swing Animations 2.Event handling 3.JAVA awt 4.JAVA swing 5.Adapters Whenever I am coding a game I faced a problem in making the pause, resume and exit functionality. So today I am going to teach you how to make a simple animation with pause, resume and exit functionality. Which will later help you when you are coding a game. In this tutorial we will be working in JAVA SWING.