Shoot the Ball Program Using Java
This game is programmed by Deepak Tiwari from Sagar(MP). Compile and run the Main.java file. To compile this file type javac Main.java To run this program type appletviewer Main.java.
Simple Calculator
A simple java calculator does the four main arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). Note: Updated with Eclipse. If you had some problem with the code, it would be better to open it using Eclipse.
This is a simple code for change the fore color of label using JSlider. You can see how to slider work thru this program. In this program the rgb color are used to change the label color.
Basic php exercise
This is a basic php website that has login and register form and go to your account. If you want to use this as you project please change the design and make your own. This php exercise has an error in sending message in email.php. You can actualy add more function if you have a little knowledge in php code. software require: Xampp OR wamp php editor like notepad++ or notepad email me: joel7