Simple Log-In System Version 1.0
Submitted by jakerpomperada on Monday, December 7, 2009 - 09:13.
Hi there thank you for always visiting the website. This is my first time to upload a code in PHP I called it Simple Log-In System Version 1.0 as security code to protect the website from unauthorized access. I intended my code for beginning programmers in PHP and MySQL.
If you find my work useful send me an email at [email protected]. I am also accepting programming jobs, assignments, projects or thesis with a very reasonable and affordable price. Please contact me through my email at mobile phone number. My mobile phone numbers here in the Philippines is 09296768375 and my telephone number at home is +63 (034) 4335081. Thank you very much and Happy Programming.
Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED-Instructional Technology
Programmer, Teacher and Computer Technician
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hey goodday sir!"
do you have a php installer? may i have it to, cause i dont have that yet i want to make php code also,may i know how to install it to PC.
just send it to this addr [email protected]
thnx so much!! nice coding :)
Sir nid your help please..
pa elp nmn po sir..
Log in System using VB and Database na malupet..
Please po sir.. T_T
nid lng po tlga..
e2 po email ko..
[email protected]
hi sir,
sir i need your help plz give me the code of simple login by using php.... plz sir...
sent nlang sa sir sa mail ko [email protected]... thanks sir...
help me!!!!
pls....need me a codes for our system which is the payroll system ...i need your help..anyone can give!!!!pls send it me an email for it...thanks a [email protected].
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