Online Examination System
Submitted by
muler.java on Sunday, September 16, 2018 - 21:41.
Now a day’s companies in Ethiopia are growing very fast. One of the best reason is that the skill and potential growth of the community. As it is known that the engine of an organization is human resource and this resource has to be examining carefully and seriously. The best way to check the skill and the potential of the human resource is examination.
Examination in Ethiopia is still manual and the government of the country also pushing to filter out the best competent resources through examination. The best examples are COC, national examinations on grade 8th, 10th, and 12th and also companies and organizations use examination on the recruitment process to filter the best competent human resources among the applicants.
Examination is one of the best methods of evaluating the knowledge and ability of an individual. To this end, various methods has been employed in examining the ability of an individual, starting from manual means of using paper and pencil to electronic, from oral to written, practical to theoretical and many others.
Online exam system helps to solve a various problems which rising based on paper exam in educational institution, organizations and other training center as well. On-line Exam System is very useful for organizations easily prepare an exam which saves the time and wastage of resource to take the exam. And also it will help the Institute to testing of examinees and develop their skills. This system solves a various problems mainly targeted to cheating which attempted by the examinees, in the newly developed system examinees can’t exchange their exams as they are doing in the paper exam and the exam question is highly coded as well as shuffled every time.
The main intention of this project is to develop an online examination system with suitable features and resolve lack of ambiguities. The system allows creating a test from the question bank of the system and conducting Academic and Non-Academic examinations in different languages.
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