Text to Speech (one line of Code)


This is a demonstration of Text to speech using microsoft Speech Object Library

with one line one code...

I used this TTS features in my Home Automation with voice control, CAI progrms(computer Aided instructions), Expert Systems and Voice Tutorials Systems..

Hope you like it!!!

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hei, ,may i ask where can i dload microsoft speech object library? ? response will be highly appreciated. . .email me at sanjose_sam@yahoo.com.ph . .thank you in advance^^

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Speech Object Library is Built-in in MS Xp and later version.. just go to your Visual Basic 6 IDE and frm menu Project- references and include or check the Microsoft Object Library from the available references.. by the way if you want to change the voice, u can choose Microsoft Sam,Anna and other MS Voice.. Tnx for viewing my tutorial. Emond Cheers!!

i've got an error message says that project cant be found..i try to check the reference and check the library but still it wont work..please help ne thanks

ur welcome...feel free to explore the Spvoice pM me for your request.. cheers!! dark_raditz0825@yahoo.com +639212279363

I download zip file and open but it give error in open form & project ,in my system vb6.0 instaled.when open it give error ,click yes .....up to full program load ,no form display in project . when oopen form same thing doing all code,form show but not run when compile ther is error. What i do to run program. plz send in this id ===== avinashsrivastava11@yahoo.com == avinash BCA DOING

sir if i use different mobile phone then what are the changes are necessary in this coding? please give guidelines to vkthik@gmail.com Thanking you V.Karthik

sir i tried to re program it but i caught an error! i tried to use another variable in another project but it doesent work! did you add reference here?

i look in the reference but i cant find the speech object library and i try to download the sapi.dll but dont know where to put it in the computer...

wow your amazing i run it and it really works..how can i change the voice instead of sam? thxnz

In reply to by killua

sir i'm playing in evony.com..may i request for a program or some like a cheat engine that could make my presitge grow fast..becuase we have an allies there all are pinoy and our enemy is keep on beating us because we have lower prestige compare to them..this is an online game..which still new..if ever you can please email me fltfuertes@yahoo.com tnx sir.. have a nice day

good day sir! may i ask what status of my request sir? about the cheat engine sir? hoping for your replies

My Allah Blese You!

Try to check in this location "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Speech\sapi.dll" or "C:\Windows\System32\Speech\Common\sapi.dll"

actually i can understand C++ or java code, i haven't go through with vb, from few days i am searching related projects, can u guide/link me, where i can understand vb coding, or do you have text-to-speech and speech-recognition idea in c++ or java, waiting for reply thanks regards Abdul Wahab,

Please give me speech object library , email to : suprayitnohery@yahoo.com Thanks

Great Job emond! Mehranumr@yahoo.com

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

thank you,

SUCCESS FOR THE PROJECT. Please give me speech object library , email to : moh.miftakhur.rokhman@gmail.com Thanks

Is there a way to use sapi.dll with PHP ? Is there a way to use sapi.dll with PHP ?

is it possible to combine this code to create a voice email client?? im doing a project for my bachelors degree. i might be using netbeans to develop this software. please reply to my email? >> lina.hslb89@gmail.com thanks you, lina.

sir it is ..

sir i cant find the spvoice i tried C:windows\system32\speech\common\spvoice.dll but it wasnt there what should i do

Hi sir..ur work is just awesome...actually i m working on speech synthesizer as my major project in B.Tech..so if u cn pls help me in providing me d JAVA code of speech synthesizer

give me your code complete of application

sir can u=you teach me how can i be able to use text to speech software in my speaking dictionary

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