text to speech

Downloadable Text to Speech Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to the Downloadable Text to Speech, an innovative web application crafted using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This tool empowers users to effortlessly convert text into spoken audio, offering both real-time playback and downloadable files for convenience. With a sleek and intuitive interface, users can simply input their desired text, select from a range of languages including English (US)

How to Convert Text Input to Speech Output

Submitted by ashok05 on
How to convert text input to speech output The usage of text to speech is been increasing day by day, one of the main applications are automatic birthday wish speaker. VB.NET provides simple steps to convert text to speech, they are 1) Import the text to speech library 2) Create a SpeechSynthesizer instance 3) Use speak method. Explanation 1) Import the text to speech library .net framework

Text to Speech Application in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create a program that will have a text to speech application. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2.

Text To Speech Application in Android Eclipse (Pronunciation Made Easy App)

Submitted by donbermoy on
This Android application entitled Pronunciation Made Easy was programmed by my younger brother as his project for their mobile application development subject. This application aims to help individuals who have difficulties or questions on how to pronounce certain words properly wherein the user may input words he wanted to know the correct pronunciation.

Text to Speech Using Google Speech API

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you how to create a text to speech using the google speech API. This is simple and easy. All we have to do is pass the text in google speech api and save it as an mp3. Then play the audio file using a player. In my example, I used html5 player. You can use whatever player you want to use. Hope you learn from this.

Text-To-Speech Application in VB6

Submitted by donbermoy on
Aside from my Text-To-Speech Application in Android and VB6, I also created another tutorial in VB6 that converts an inputted text into a speech or voice. We will just only call the Speech API namespace for this program and with the use of Spvoice object. The SpVoice object brings the text-to-speech (TTS) engine capabilities to applications using SAPI automation. An application can create numerous SpVoice objects, each independent of and capable of interacting with the others. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1.

Simulating a Talking ATM system

Submitted by Walterjnr1 on
This is a talking Atm system I developed for a friend as a final year research project . this system is design for a blind customer of a bank. This system has all the features of a real ATM with additional features of a voice assistant. FEATURES OF OUR SYSTEM 1. Has a splash screen or welcome screen like the real ATM. 2. Has a login screen like the real ATM. 3. Will offer you options to withdraw

Simulating a Voice Aided Automated Teller Machine for the Blind

Submitted by Walterjnr1 on
This is system that simulate an automated teller machine with a voice aided feature for a blind customer in a bank. On the click of a button number , a corresponding number sound is produce to assist the blind customer. Key Features of the system include login system, checking balance , setting atm pin, withdrawal. What you will learn from this project include text to speech,login system,select