Simple remote MySQL database in VB Application
a simple database app that can be used to manipulate your website's MYSQL database, applicable in administrating your web databse from your Windows based PC .Connection is via MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver. CAn perform CRUD and it shows how to connect and query records in a remote server (for this sample i used using ADOdb control and datagrid to show data from remote server..
I'll Post my VB to IBM AS400 Server connectivity projects soon...please watch out
Hope you like it..
download the MySql odbc driver 3.51 driver in mysql websites..
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ur Welcome
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How can i send SMS using VB
i posted a sample using At
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Reading SMS from Globe Broadband
incompatibility with VB 2008
Remote MySQL Access
hey that seems to be nice.
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i watched the and
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Sir how to use ssl? hehehe
help how to connect msql database and vb 6.0
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ODBC Connectivity
use Telnet, SSL, proxy
remote mysql connection
How to access sql database in other PC
Question about the code.
ssh, telnet, proxy firewall and server
generally you need a wrapper,
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send SMS via VB6
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