Simple remote MySQL database in VB Application


 a simple database app that can be used to manipulate your website's MYSQL  database, applicable in administrating your web databse from your Windows based PC .Connection is  via MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver. CAn perform CRUD and it shows how to connect and query records in a remote server (for this sample i used using ADOdb control and datagrid to show data from remote server..

I'll Post my VB to IBM AS400 Server connectivity projects soon...please watch out


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download the MySql odbc driver 3.51 driver in mysql websites..


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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

it because you dont have an id in your fields.

Please send us the connectivity code for MS sql server using VB6 remotely. we have server at Atlanda can i connect from india using remotely and VB6 code. i will update the data from india to atlanta server. Any one help me. Thanks in advance Pandi Rajan

hello, can you create another one for dao. I am not quite familiar with adodb... please...

How can i be able to connect to my database in sql management server2008 from vb(visual studio 2010)?

Please any one help for this.Because i m using well connected structure. problem occur when i m using the connection in timer control after some time.It show's "cannot connect mysql with localhost 10048". why? i am not understanding.Any one help me for this.

hello sir can you help me with codes of adding image from picture box in vb6 to Mysql database. thank you

Sir, i can't connect to remote mysql database using vb 6.0. every time i run the program it will prompt error : [Mysql] [ODBC 3.51 Driver] Host "(my computer ip)" is not allowed to connect this mysql server. can you give me the solution plz... here is my email id : [email protected]

i have a program in which i cant connect to a server of my database in other pc.. it just returns a error msg of Cant get hostname for your address.... what should i do... [email protected] +639056962564

Sir I'm trying to create a program that will be used by school in exam times,the program should send files to server shared folder without students knowledge where is it exactly going. please send me source codes to saintpremath@ g

Sir, I have a problem in writing a code for inserting an image into vb.Please tell me how to do write it.

i will build a GPS Tracking Server, how to listener data of gps tracker with C# or VB thanks & regards

sir can i ask you something about connection of vb6 in mysql. am .. how to access mysql using vb6 in another computer?

Hi there, I was wondering if you could send me your VB code. I am trying to connect to a remote Mysql db from an access db and update infomration in 1 table (to be published on a website). Am not very good at this and am finding difficulty in writing the code for it. Thanks, Fiona

please sir, i have a program in vb 2010 and i want to connect to sql database in another pc with the same program but could not succeed. please i need your help

Hello sir,. this one was a great help for me. i have a project that need remote connection to msql server. I need this msql driver so i can test and apply this code for my project. Thanks sir,. Great idea! Bench

HI I've a doubt in connecting mysql database with VB6.0

it is a very nice example. i just read the codes then got the important parts. thank you very much. maybe just an update, the as i am writing this now, is i think currently having problems because i cant connect to their phpmyadmin.

hey siir !!!!!!!how can i connect my vb 6 program to my sql server 6.0 and what are the steps?? show me sir the details????????

pls. help to create enrollment system using visual basic DAO 6.0 and ms access thanks pls do help me thanks

Hi, is any one can help me to find code for a system that ca send and reply a sms through usb modem using php?

I would be glad if you could help me some code to connect MySql Database which is on ODBC platform.......I will be using the data in the Database to plot graphs on an Mschart....Thus I have to declare some variable...etc.Dim Con As New ADODB.Connection ' Connection Dim Rss As New ADODB.Recordset ' ok with Access but finding difficult with Mysql... i want a code equivalent to this..Con.Open "Provider = Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source =" & App.Path & "\Statistics.Mdb" ' Making Connection to with the Database

hi plz help me i can't connect to my web database server...i am using vb6 and i want to connect it to my database in my hosting datbase...plz help me..

Hello sir, i would be glad if you can help me on a code about using the txt message received from globe broadband to my vb application.. how can i make the txt msg somewhat be store in a variable as a string. i hope you will send me some sample codes... [email protected]

I can't wait that post.. That's what i need. Because i develop VB to SERVER IBM X3400 for local area only. What i need is u can use anyplace you want using ISP to connect to my server.

Hello sir, my name is naitesh patel, i make vb6 project for hospital and backend ms access. there is two branches of hospital.i want to connect ehch other database on line via vb6. i m not getting proper remote connection string. so plz halp me. my email: [email protected]

Sir Emond, nagawa mo na ba ang project VB6 to IBM Server connectivit?. Inaabangn ko kc ito.. Thanks..

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