Library System Source Code

I can't wait until I finish my upgraded version of Hotel Reservation System using I am planning to upload again one of the source code that thought me how to program using MS Access.

This program is called Library System and is written in Microsoft Access. I started working with this code since 1999.

This is very useful for Library in managing a day-to-day transaction. From borrowing to returning of books to cataloging and a lot more.

Here are some of the features that can be found in this program:


  1. Books acquisition
  2. Non Book Acquisition
    • Serials Bound / Serials Unbound
    • Journals
    • Clippings
    • Pamphlets
    • Thesis / Modules
    • Cassettes Tapes
    • CD Roms
    • Charts
    • Diskettes
    • Equipments
    • Picture
    • Maps
    • Term Papers
    • Transparencies
    • VHS Tapes
    • Filmstrips
    • Index Card
  3. Library Members
  4. Inventory of Books
  5. Current Borrowers
  6. Top Borrowers
  7. Borrow / Return of Books / Non Books
  8. Books Borrowed and Books Returned


  1. Direct printing of fine(s) / Charges
  2. Accession Books
  3. Collections’ Statistical Report
  4. Listing of Library Members
  5. Card Catalog Printing
  6. Inventory Report
  7. And a lot more…


I’m still in doubt if I am going to share this with you because I’m still earning some money out of this source code. But if this will help you and earn money from this program, then please use it wisely.

And please don’t forget to donate a small amount if you found it profitable. At least my willingness to help you will have some return. But I will not urge you to do so if is against your well.

Update: To download the software please visit Library Management Software.

hi can you please mail me the source code for library management system using java or c??? my id


Hi Help me please! I need a source code for asp vb script for my final project.If someone can help:

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

hi... can you discuss it to me in detail? text me here: 09192002469

I see your database so good, but i can't use coz it have password, please you kindly send password to me. my email : thank you so much, i hope you send password to me.

sir admin, is visual basic 6.0 the as visual basic 6.0 run-time?? i jjust wanna know if those two are just the same..coz i cant find any visual basic free download in the net..if possible can you give me a copy of vb 6.0? i just need it to open the systems which i have downloaded from this website and some of your post/thread here...

how to make hotel menu in the form. with sourse code?

hello plz help me with my library system using c++ thanks...

Hello please help me in how to create a library system using visual basic 6.0 thanks.

Hi i want help. how to connect from java script to ms access Can u reply my email id : ur kumaravel

this is my first time here.. somebody can help me?can you send me a code for library sytem in vb 6 using ms acess..pleaseeeeeee!!! just email me at or txt me 09059343864 im angie..thanks

hi good day. i just to ask if you can help me in creating a library sytem in VB. pls........ i need it. because this is our final exam so pls. help me txt me in my no# 09293756870 this is my no# tnx and god bless.

can you do me a codes for library management system in php with sql database

sir, would u provide me the source code for hospital management system in java. send this to:

pls give the source cod for hospital management system in vb6 to :

plizz admin send me source code of library management system in language. we are doing a project on library - this is just for learning purposes. my id

Well, Pls email me Source Code for this

can you help us for our project we need library system codes using java,pls send it to my email melj_mudanza\ thanks..

can you help us for our project we need library system codes using (visual studio 2008 and sql server 2005 ),pls send it to my email thanks.. very important for me please help me

can you please send the coding for library automation system using VB

plz send me the source code of college library id in C#

hi sir may i have library inventory management system source code for my assignment.. i will be very greatfull if i got it.. thank you...

hi sir may i have library inventory management systems source code for my assignment.. its listed books.dat periodicals.dat dvds.dat i will be very greatful thank you sir my email address is

Its really very nice. pls send me the source code and developing procedure for this project.library management system( my email id is

i really liked the library management software made by you...... but can i pl have its source code as i need to modify it a bit to suit my requirements...... Also the version downloaded shows me the sub menues in yellow color over a white background which is really difficult to read....... Maj S Mittal

Pls i need help with my thesis the source code for clinic system. Thaks in advance

Its really very nice. pls send me the source code and developing procedure for this project.library management system( my email id is COOL.VIVEK.553@GMAIL.COM I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT PROJECT,, SO PLZ HELP ME!!!!!

sir, pwd hingi source codes ng monitoring system for library..example is log-in log-out..plzz help fpr our system

In reply to by arthur143 to share comments ..just like in the facebook.. need aan example code ..tnx

Regular Exp For Phone No in India. Tell Me Expression For this my Email Id is

i need your help.. pls help me in my project.. about libary system..asap

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

hi,sir,,,,i need a project in libray mangt system....plz send this to my thanz a lot sir

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

i think u have completed your project,so plese send me that code in my email plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz

can u please send me the project of online library management systems ...i want to submit with in 2 days...i unable to do now... please help e mail id is

hi,plzzz send me this project on

i want to learn in coding in vb 6.0.. i want to gain more knowledge about the career i chosen

hi can you please mail me the source code for library management system using c??? my id cudny find it on this page

can u please send me the project of online library management systems ...i want to submit with in 5 days...i unable to do now... please help me... my e mail id is

hi can you please mail me the project for library management system using SQL. my cudny find it on this page

hai..i want more sample coding of library system in vb 6.0... this is my TQ

hi plz can u send me code for result management system on admin side ? i have a two database like fy and sy i need code that admin can add,update the result in php and result will be display in grid formate. plz send it to its urgent. reply soon

can u bent me source code of Library Management System. my mail Add. thnx.

pls send me code of online library system in java

hello sir plz send me code of library management system in C++ at my e-mail addres,,, thatis

i need a source code for library managemeny system in vb 6.0 . it is veryuseful to my final year project sir. so pls send a copy of source code to my mail id. that is

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