Library System Source Code
Submitted by admin on Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 11:20.
I can't wait until I finish my upgraded version of Hotel Reservation System using I am planning to upload again one of the source code that thought me how to program using MS Access.
This program is called Library System and is written in Microsoft Access. I started working with this code since 1999.
This is very useful for Library in managing a day-to-day transaction. From borrowing to returning of books to cataloging and a lot more.
Here are some of the features that can be found in this program:
- Books acquisition
- Non Book Acquisition
- Serials Bound / Serials Unbound
- Journals
- Clippings
- Pamphlets
- Thesis / Modules
- Cassettes Tapes
- CD Roms
- Charts
- Diskettes
- Equipments
- Picture
- Maps
- Term Papers
- Transparencies
- VHS Tapes
- Filmstrips
- Index Card
- Library Members
- Inventory of Books
- Current Borrowers
- Top Borrowers
- Borrow / Return of Books / Non Books
- Books Borrowed and Books Returned
- Direct printing of fine(s) / Charges
- Accession Books
- Collections’ Statistical Report
- Listing of Library Members
- Card Catalog Printing
- Inventory Report
- And a lot more…
I’m still in doubt if I am going to share this with you because I’m still earning some money out of this source code. But if this will help you and earn money from this program, then please use it wisely.
And please don’t forget to donate a small amount if you found it profitable. At least my willingness to help you will have some return. But I will not urge you to do so if is against your well.
Update: To download the software please visit Library Management Software.
Library management program in Java
hello.i need a Library management program in Java(class 10.icse board)
can somebody please send it at my [email protected]
making own software in
how can i make software in
plz send me step by step(for school management).
thank u.
source code for hospital managemant vb 2008
please send me the source code for hospital managemant system vb 2008 to [email protected]
i need it for my final year project
Need MDB format
I found that the "Library Management Software" is mde format. Can I have the mdb format? Please email to [email protected]
Thank you!
want code in c language for library management system
plz help me ,send the code to my mail id [email protected]
help for automated library system code
good day sir.. can you help me for my thesis about library system..
i have hard time doing it.. can you send me the codes for library system?
here is my email.. [email protected] thanks a lot..
library system VB 6.0
sir please help me.. please send me the codes for library system using VB 6.0.. thanks a lot here's my email.
[email protected]
plz send me library
plz send me library management coding using multiple inheritance(interface) in java
need source code
sir pls. send to me the source code for the library management system either in java or email is [email protected].. sir thank u so much
[quote=admin]I can't wait
i need vb project
help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i need the codes on text word can you
Library manzmt. S/W inh VB 6
Plz help me .
your project is so good plz send me its source code .
My E-mail, [email protected]
cource code
hi can you send it to me also I will modify it for my project.
JAVA source code please ^_^
[email protected]
hi,sir,,,,i need a project in
hi,sir,,,,i need a project in libray mangt system....plz send this to my mail: [email protected]
thanz a lot sir
hello sir /madam
i got a problem with my library returns system java project please help me sending the coding for the project and some guidelines for tht AT [email protected]
thank you
need library mngmnt. project source in VB6
i think u have completed your project,so plese send me that code in my email [email protected] plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
code request
plz send me a source code of library management system at this email- [email protected]
hi sir...need hepl!!!!!
...we are doing a automated library system...we are now on set 2..but we dont know what to do???...can you help us???
hi sir
send me the code of library system using database plzzz..i need it as soon as possible..
here is my email add [email protected]
Hi Sir, Kindly send the
Hi Sir,
Kindly send the source code of Library management in MS Access. It is very nice.
My E-mail id is [email protected]
source code on library management
hi sir....can u plz send me the source code for this project.library management system...
my email id is [email protected]
sir I want to know your libray management system password,can you please send the coding for library management email is [email protected]
hi sir
hi sir.. kindly pass the codes of library system in VB 6.0 in my email.. [email protected]
source code
please send me the source code. i really need it and will appreciate anyone's help.
i still have to edit some parts to make the functions lesser than the original. please. my email is [email protected]
library system
sir can you send to my email address a library system using vb codes please.. it just badly needed.. i need it for my project sir! thank you! here's my email add.
-----> [email protected]
good day sir :)
hi sir.. kindly pass the codes of library system in VB 6.0 in my email [email protected]
I need the book bank project code. plz send the code this gmail address: [email protected]
plz plz plz
Library system sample documenttion thesis in html
gud pm sir pls send me a sample of library system documentation in html,,,, tnx and more power
this is my email,,,, [email protected]
badly needed
uhm is your code java sql with database??? if yes please send me just the code ill handle the database
thanks in advance^_^
java library system
gud evening sir can you please send me a java library system code with database [email protected]
thanks in advance
hi 2 all
anybody can help us get the source code of computerized library system? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................................
S.O.S............................................................................. to [email protected]
advance thank you very much!!!
Codes for the Library system
Can you please email me the codes for the library management system.
My email address is "[email protected]"
Thank you in advance.
Help~ stationery request system for a university
I am using the and MS SQL to develop stationery request system for a university. I need the source codes.
[email protected]
about source code for LMS
sir can you send me source code for library management sysytem immediately .i am making this project this year so i want code for this project.
thanking u sir very much
Hello! I need souce code of Library Management Software
Please send me a full source code of Library Management Software code to [email protected]
request for source code
please provide me the sourse code of project :"library management" in VB 6.0. i need it very urgently. email:[email protected]
plese help me
Manish Tiwari
email:[email protected]
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