Library System Source Code

I can't wait until I finish my upgraded version of Hotel Reservation System using I am planning to upload again one of the source code that thought me how to program using MS Access.

This program is called Library System and is written in Microsoft Access. I started working with this code since 1999.

This is very useful for Library in managing a day-to-day transaction. From borrowing to returning of books to cataloging and a lot more.

Here are some of the features that can be found in this program:


  1. Books acquisition
  2. Non Book Acquisition
    • Serials Bound / Serials Unbound
    • Journals
    • Clippings
    • Pamphlets
    • Thesis / Modules
    • Cassettes Tapes
    • CD Roms
    • Charts
    • Diskettes
    • Equipments
    • Picture
    • Maps
    • Term Papers
    • Transparencies
    • VHS Tapes
    • Filmstrips
    • Index Card
  3. Library Members
  4. Inventory of Books
  5. Current Borrowers
  6. Top Borrowers
  7. Borrow / Return of Books / Non Books
  8. Books Borrowed and Books Returned


  1. Direct printing of fine(s) / Charges
  2. Accession Books
  3. Collections’ Statistical Report
  4. Listing of Library Members
  5. Card Catalog Printing
  6. Inventory Report
  7. And a lot more…


I’m still in doubt if I am going to share this with you because I’m still earning some money out of this source code. But if this will help you and earn money from this program, then please use it wisely.

And please don’t forget to donate a small amount if you found it profitable. At least my willingness to help you will have some return. But I will not urge you to do so if is against your well.

Update: To download the software please visit Library Management Software.

could you pls send to me the source code? I need it very badly. Thanks! on this email, [email protected] thanks!

please help me with my thesis... LAN BASED LIBRARY SYSTEM with ONLINE SEARCH.. using php and sql.... send me the source code... here is my account... thanks.. :) godbless...

Can you please send me a source code of library system at this email [email protected] thank you sir

hello.. can you help me.. pls. send me the code of library system..plss. [email protected]

could you please send to me the source code? I need it very badly. Thanks! [email protected]

Hello Mate Can you send me ([email protected]) The source code of this project in Access, I downloaded, but it is mde (Code Secured Format). Thank You In Advanced..

sir pls mail me d code in java net beans or with java with jdbc ??? if nnot mail me ur code sir it would b helpful for me....... [email protected].. thank u in advance

Can i have the code ? im going to make a study about library system so pls send me a source code in this email address [email protected] thanks !

good day my name is lawrence agboifoh a java programmer. sir i need java code on automation of the library system

sir im a Programmer and i need a source code for library system code in visual basic. pls kinda help me send me in my email any reply would be a good help t hx : ))

i need the source code of library system management,my project dateline is one more week from now,please send me the source code ASAP my email add is [email protected]

respected sir ..............i need the forms of library management system

sir can you send the code library system e.

hi. may u pliz email me the source code of this project. it will be extremly helpful >>> [email protected]

Can i please have the code for this library system? im going to make a study about library system so pls send me a source code in this email address [email protected]. thanks !

Sir can you please email me the code for the library information system. [email protected]

sir pls mail me the library system code for web design project. to this email id [email protected]. i have to show my project on wednesday.. pls help me

am doing a project on library management system.can u send me your source code plz? [email protected]

sir.. can you give me a sorce code of library system? my email address is [email protected]... tnx and more power

Hi, can you please send me a copy of your source code for we have our school project and we used RFID for the inventory system of the books in the library! It only serves as our reference in understanding more in making a program using VB6.. I'm really looking forward on it... PLs. e-mail it to [email protected] you so much...

hello, thank you for posting ur work it such a big help to us...

can i get the code? send to my emai at [email protected] i will really appreciate it so much. thanks!

can you please show me the code of libarary sysytem

can some one help me with library management system sql source code?

hi i am in need of hospital management project using oracle as back end i have done in sql but need in oracle for a project work plz help me send me the source code and the query details to [email protected]

Hi there! I need this system! please Help me... E-mail it to my account; [email protected] Thanks!

can you pls help me with my library management system project in ASP.NET in only coding plz help me

May you please send me a source code. I also need a Library management system in

Hello in need of a library management sourcecode in php_MySQL from wher i cn learn the basics so as to make my own version of it as a part of my mini will be of great help if u could send the code..waiting fr a response,thanks.

Please can i have the code for the Library management software. Thank you so much....

put up username and passwords for this file Library Management Software.mde

Sir am facing difficulty in making my PHP web application library system provide an access that user reads books online from table in database i have restricted to download them. Please help me the php source code to read books, send me [email protected]

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