Employee's Management System 1.0
Submitted by jakerpomperada on Sunday, November 1, 2009 - 19:13.
Hi there about this code I called it Employee's Management System 1.0 I wrote using a combination of C/C++ codes. It shows how use structure data strucute and array in C/C++ in a database application. I hope this will help someone that is interested in database development using C/C++ programming language.
If you find my work useful send me an email at [email protected]. People here in the Philippines who wish to contact me can reach me at my mobile phone number at 09296768375 and my telephone number at home is +63 (034) 4335081 . Be one of my friends in facebook and frienster my address is [email protected] . Thank you very much and Happy Programming.
Mr. Jake Rodriguuez Pomperada, MAED - Instructional Technology
Programmer, Teacher and Computer Techncian
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Hello,could i hv this coding [employee's management system]in language C. I very needed this code as a part of my project too..urgent..could u send to me( [email protected])..Thx Q..
i need help to run on Bloodshed DevC++
I'm interested with your source code but it fail to compile in BloodShed DevC++. Can you please let me know hoe to get this done.
I've tried to install borland but as a beginner i fail to run that.
Hope you can help.
Email me at [email protected]
i have tried this code but it is not correct give me error
pls to send me correct code
i really need the code
my mail:[email protected]
about some increment
i wnt file handling in this project.
can u provide me this project after file handling
called to undefined function 'delay'
called to undefined function 'delay'
- this appeared when i tried to run the program. any help on how i could fix this immediately? thank you very much! this program is very very useful :)
plz send me employee project using c++,about 3000 lines coding.,dat should be run properly i. e too much necessary 2 me.([email protected])plz................
help Sir
1. Write a program that gets complete data entry for the current sales order from the user and displays its invoice as an output. The program should follow these steps:
a. Ask the user to provide the customer-ID who places this order.
b. Ask the user to provide the employee-ID who is registering this order.
c. Ask the user to provide the order-ID.
d. Asks the user “how many items will be placed this order?”
e. The number of items you can record should be limited with in this number.
f. Add the following validations to your program:
1) Items in each order should be in the range between: 1 9 otherwise an error message “Out of range…!” will be displayed.
2) Item ID should exist in a prelisted record, otherwise an error message “Not in the list…!” will be displayed.
g. Record each entry for the order-details. I.e.:
1) Enter Item ID-1: 4
2) Enter Quantity: 154
3) Enter Unit price: 21
h. You don’t need to provide the item-name. Your program should find the corresponding item-name to the item-ID you provided from its internal records.
i. The program should evaluate the amount (subtotals) of each record.
j. Display this data you gathered in a well arranged format.
pls help me
i have a final project to present next week. can you help me? its employee management system usin java. my address is [email protected].
kindly yours,
Needed Help
I need help in my Office Management System' project.
My email id is:- [email protected]
Can you please help me
source code on employee online information system
next week i hav to submit my final year project on employee information system i need the code please help me wid dis ...
thank you
E-mail- [email protected]
needed help
I need help in my employe payroll management system with Coding in c++ and project info.
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