Open Cash Drawer(POS)


Sample Script how to open a electronic Cash Drawer without any dll.

Just connect through Epson TM series Receipt Printer.

Great for developing Point of Sale.


Hope ypu like it.

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Plz create a form in vb6 with photo on the form, photo will be save in database also show in crystal if u do this for me It will be your great favour for me. thanks Irfan [email protected]

Dear Sir I use the following setting : Comm1.CommPort = 4 'change this where your Modem is attatched Comm1.Settings = "115200,n,8,1" When i run your code message flash "Connected" But when i try to send message, Message flash "Message Not Sendt" When I try following AT command in Hyper Terminal I got Error +CMS ERROR: 304 Code: AT+CMGS="9971749550" Enter Key Thanks And Regards Deepak

gud day sir, please help me about printing; - can you me for not roll up the paper, my printer is LQ-300. please me sir.... More power. my email: [email protected]

hi could u please send me the password to open the pos and inventory system? my email is; [email protected] regards, Sydney M

can help me some .... i write php but now ineed to command the cashdrawer (kick it after print) how can i do that ... please help or suggest me .... many thanks Regards

is it possible that the Cash Drawer could work direct to the PC using the MSComm1 in visual basic. Ex. PC(Modem)-------> Cash Drawer(RJ11) Caster B. Beazar [email protected]

I have a book that explains how to use crystal reports only as it is with a database directly but not anything to do with vb6. Please help me on how to make it available in the add in menu and how to add it in the project. i have tried enabling it from the components dialogue box but met errors saying that it cant be loaded. Also I cant find it in the add in dialogue box but ihave installed it successfully into my computer.

Nice Work!

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