Employee's Basic Information

This is an Employee's Basic Information System. This system I just modified and it works hehehe. Thank you to kuya Jake Pomperada. Any request will not be entertained hehehe joke

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Download na mga dudes nyahahaha

wala pong laman ung zip file..hehe. meron pero database at ung iba wala..

badtrip hirap ng it hehehehe 09393805452 st mary's college of meycauyan bulacan...

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Wala naman mahirap pag nag aaral sir ^_^

I'm a 4rth yr college as of now...can u plz..plz... give me any sample code for employees information system....as my basis...i will make my own...its for my project in compiler in cs304...i'll wait 4 ur heartfully help...plz...i nid it coz i'm now graduating student...

Dear thank you about your source code and it helped me a lot !! I need HRMS will you help me if you have any please?

pliz help me and send me the source code for the baic information system,thank you.


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