Record Room Management System (RRMS)
Submitted by Praveen M. Gauttam on Thursday, December 27, 2012 - 00:35.
The mini project ‘Record Room Management System’ is the sample project for managing Record Room of any organization.
The project aims at developing Record Room Management System using the Visual Basic(VB 6.0) that enables an organization to maintain its Records.
The project demonstrates the creation of a user interface of a system, with the use of Graphics.
Microsoft Access is used as back end to store the data.
Administrator can add new record using this software with a specified location and later he can update or delete the records.
The record is logically deleted from forms, but not physically from database.
There are some additional features added in this project e.g. calculator, notepad, backup, log-out, password change etc.
Admin can check that which record is issued to which employee on which date.
Admin can search record by name, by number and by department & he can also print the report of issue and return record.
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