GearUp4TakeAways - Point of Sale (POS) System

2005 VB.NET & Access One of my first Pet Projects. Use of Strongly Typed Datasets, User Controls, Dynamic Buttons Administrator Area: Creating-Reading-Updating-Disable Objects Good Learning Curve For Beginner Point OF Sale Developers.

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the decision support system must have a point of sale,a dashboard,a sales report which is automatically updated the status of the store,as the product-code were already read by the bar-code reader... this must have the connection to the hardware(Bar-code reader)... please somebody help me here....

Hi everyone especially to those expert in software programming. I vow in all of you. I am B.S.I.T undergraduate at University of Cebu due financial problem but I'm still doing a program at home after my work. Can somebody help me to improve my little knowledge in programming. I am using vb 6.0. I try to create a pos program using barcode reader. I already bought a barcode scanner model ls1203 Motorola. Please help me how to use it in my active form. can it be used in vb 6.0? Please..Please.. help...

please give me the pass codes to open the run the code in visual studio 2010

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