Simple Billing and Medical Records System

This Simple Billing and Medical Records System is based on the process of Bacolod Diagnostic Center. Here, you can add and update patient information, calculate bills, encode and produce output for the Test Result. You can also retrieve past medical records of a specific patient. Database password: bdc System user/pass: Username: admin Password: aa

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thanks for the project


may i request for db password? or system security details? (username password). tnx.. u can send me through my email [email protected]. tnx a lot.. il appreciate it.

but i m trying to payroll software like maharashtra gov. 6th pay i m working in banking sector i m develop payroll sofware so help me on our email [email protected]

can you please give the password?? ALL!

can i have the username and password???

w0w...ito b ung system pra sa mga diagnostic cLinic???? visual basic po b e2????

yeah.. but this system was based on the process of Bacolod Diagnostic center.

Thanks for this project, is very educative. i love it. pls can u just send the database password to my email box. ([email protected]) bcos without the database passoword the software is meaneless

can u plz send to me username and password

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