Library System

Sample library system that will handle the basic functions or activities in the library. Features of the system: 1. Book records management 2. Database Backup and Restore Utility 3. Report Generation (Book Inventory, User's log, etc) Visit my website to view more of my projects:

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good day!! we are willing to help with your project regarding the library system visit our website: mobile: 09102294835

Hi I've made a project on library mgmt system using vb6.0. I'm not getting the code for Issuing and Returning of books. Could u please please please help me out? Thanks a ton!

Sir, I have a problem regarding library system, I don't know about the borrow and return transactions and penalty, but I have now the data for the identity of books, members, course, and subjects. Can you help me for this?? Thanks, and I am using visual basic 2008 please reply asap. Thank you! :)

whats the password of the user? i want to show this to our classmates during our class reporting, thank you^^

can u help me..making my study..its all about library system and i am confused with the codes..and i cannot understand what it is...i need a help for my thesis..

pahingi po ng documetation ng Library sytem etu po yung email add ko oh [email protected] galing you po huh

I hv already downloaded ur project Libary System.. but I couldnot find any database file (data.mdb) that u have used... but ur software is running properly... Just I can backup any database because its not there.. Plz. help me out

can you please help me about my project on vb6.0 . im not so sure about the codes that i made for the averaging of a grades. please help me???this is my facebook acct. [email protected]

sir please help me for my project...the library system using sql netbeans ..this my email [email protected]

what is the password of your database

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