Purchased Order Inventory System

The Purchased Order Inventory System (POIS) is a customize highly efficient, fully automated computer software system develop by Mr. Rod Daz (MIS Manager), Mr. Deanmark Lamzon (Software Engineer) & Mr. Aries Luciano (Hardware Engineer) under Corporate Holdings Management Inc. (CHMI) with the help of our boss Mr. Ronald F. Gonzales. The software is intended to create a new technique, efficient, integrated and fully automated real estate purchase order system from raw materials down to inventory; in one software solution. Using POISv1, you don’t need to worry about checking your materials inventory if it is updated or not, searching for double encoded materials is fast and easy, generating purchase order is never been as easy as this program is, coz it can suggest the latest and lowest price possible that purchasing department previously encoded, can generate suggested purchase order base on approved Notice To Proceed (NTP), per supplier, per location, per materials. The system has its own independent date and time emulator called “ATOMIC TIMER” to protect POISv1 system from end-users date and time adjustment. We also built-in a powerful online currency exchange converter, no hustle in remembering day to day foreign exchange rate. The system is also activated only by Employee profile system which means, no other users can login to the system without CHMI Human Resource (HR) Department validation. And there still more features this software has.. so let’s explore and take a look in our new system. Username: admin Password: 0 There are 3 records in the employee database: 1. admin 2. applicant 3. guest There are 5 users login: 1. Admin Password: admin Access Level 2. rod1 chmi 1 3. rod2 chmi 2 4. rod3 chmi 3 5. rod4 chmi 4 Contact Me @ [email protected] / 09178204207 Note: Pls download all the DLL needed in this program, vb will just prompt it for you.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


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