How to Add-Update-Delete Record with Search Function

The source code contain here will teach you on how to search a database with various Fieldname. The sample is based on the previous source code I uploaded here called How to Add/Update/Delete Record using MS Access Database.

I created this because there are still some newbie programmer who wants to learn how searching of database works.

I hope this will help you on some way.

Happy coding!

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Very nice thanx for teaching us love u gys ur so the best....

i can get the exact code using add delete button with ubbound database pls can u teach me some other simple example? tnx in advance

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click Dim CustomerID As String For Each sItem As ListViewItem In lvList.SelectedItems CustomerID = sItem.Text Next If CustomerID > "" Then 'Delete the selected record Dim strDeleted As Boolean strDeleted = ExecNonQuery("DELETE Customers.CustomerID FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID= '" & CustomerID & "'") If strDeleted = "True" Then MsgBox("Record's deleted.", MsgBoxStyle.Information) Call FillList() Else MsgBox(strDeleted) End If Else MsgBox("Please select record to delete.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical) End If End Sub

delete or update the record of ms access(oledb) using dot net platform

i want to learn more about vb 6.0 and also i want to learn the basic of my problem is i couldn't find any installer for you have one? can you share it with me?thx madel

You can purchase it or try the Express Editions of Visual studio in the Microsoft website. For Visual Basic ^.0 version you can download it in a torrent site like Hope it will help you, Best regards,

You can download a trial version of here:

you want to learn vb 6.0 programming language download the ms visual studio 6.0 installer the install it to your PC...meron ako kaso kunin ko pah sa yahoo ko bigay mo lng email add u..send ko lng sau...

Dear friend I have good skill in oracle(database).If you need any help about database so,you ask question in my e-mail my e-mail is so,i will provide valuable information for you

hi all programmers!!!nice to meet you!!! im Bryan..i'm a student...and i am using visual basic in our class........our topic is in the database system using adodc in vb......please help me.!!!!!!!!! jejeje

i think you're wrong... madali lng gumamit ng adodc, like this adodc1.connectionstring = yourConnectinstring adodc1.recordsource = SQLstatement adodc1.refresh delcare at runtime

hihi...adodc makaluma na..ggmit kpa ng adodc control pra mkaconek....khit saan kam form andun ung dka mkapg update delete ung adodc.ggmit k pren tlga nam cmd..tama tama..

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

hahahaha..^^..pero kasi lhat nam programmer eh d na gumagit nam adodc.d na xa approachble db..^^


I am Satheesh I am doing a Billing database Software.I have Some Problems In the Database.I am using the Access database.In the form I have 40 textboxes.I wants to Save ,Delete ,Update and Search the Records from the Database.Please send me the code for these Functions.My e-mail ID is ""

Good day guys, gusto ko sana matuto ng programming. i tried reading from net kaya lang nakaka confuse. panu ko mai run tong update delete add na database? thank you

good day patulong naman po para ma i run tong program. anu kelangan ko para mairun to. thank you

Good Job

thank you for this

I am selva I am doing a dacument control database Software.I have Some Problems In the Database.I am using the Access2007 database.In the vb2010 form I have 40 textboxes.I wants to Save ,Delete ,Update and Search the Records from the Database.Please send me the code for these Functions.My e-mail ID is

hello, i don't have any idea about transaction in library system, please someone help us, we don't know what codes we will be use for module of borrowing books and return of books

Hi Admin Can you make this exemple,but now with add a picture too ?

Thank you so much.

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