Internet Cafe System

Server and client connectivity, it was design to a specific Internet cafe shop here in the philippines, that captures the basic functionality of the said Internet cafe shop, hope this help on your learning :D

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I can understand how this program works,actualy i connected 2 laptop with lan cables,on one of them started server on the other one client,and server cannot see the sql database i wrote client ip,nothing happen.. i was looking at the codes,some of them were actualy canceled for example 'MsgBox(sSocket.Blocking) or 'sSocket.Blocking = False ..can U or someone tell me how to start this program..?

Does this system have a database?

hi, please let me know if you would like to add more features like prints logging and adding it billing etc.. Regards, Vamsi

How to use this system? I am getting lots of Index errors

Sir can u fixed the BUGS please? it automatically log out faster rather than the server time set. thanks sir i'll wait for you reply, thanks in advanced :)

can i have some updated code? i got error in Crystal Report? what kind of Visual Basic did you use?

Is this program open for customizing/modification of codes or use by other for their project?

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