Attendance Monitoring System in VB.Net with RFID Technology

Attendance Monitoring System is a software-based system that the functions are very easy to use and can be learned in no time. This is very helpful in recording and monitoring the attendance of the students on the campus. By scanning their ID using RFID technology, the teacher can keep track of the attendance of the students. By using this system, you can save a lot of effort and time, due to the amount of time required in teachers to get the necessary data of the students. You are also assured that the information is well secured and it’s a very efficient method of monitoring student attendance. This is made of Visual Basic 2015, Microsoft Access Database and Bunifu Frameworks to help your desktop application flatten and modernize.

These are the following features of the system

  • Manage Students
  • Manage Student Attendance Records
  • Manage Users
  • Attendance Reports
  • Checking Attendance
Accessing this system using the admin accounts:
  • Username:admin
  • Password: admin
Requirements: Download and install the following: For more information about the system. You can contact me @ Email – [email protected] Mobile No. – 09305235027 – TNT OR feel free to comment below.

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.

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