Appliance Sales and Inventory System
Submitted by janobe on Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 14:41.
This sales and inventory system are specially designed for appliances. This is a software based system that simultaneously track the sales and inventory activity. It optimizes efficiency in recording the stock in and out's of the appliances. As each item is sold the inventory database automatically updated. It contains feature like installment that tracks the monthly payments of the customers. This manages entry records like necessary details of the customer, purchased products, prices and invoice receipt.
This system is made of Visual Basic 2008, MySQL Database, and Crystal Report for the reports.
These are the following features of the system:
- Product
- Register New Product
- Update Product Details
- Sales Inventory
- Product Inventory
- Installment Inventory
- Manage User
- add
- Update
- List
- Supplier
- Stockin
- Customer
- Sales
- Installment
- Monthy Payments
- Login and Logout
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Reports are missing
There is not any crystal report in it?
and how can we add installments we receive on monthly basses?
Reports are not working
Crystal reports are not working because these are not included in zip file....
can you send those as well...
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