How to Create a Pie Graph Using PHP/MySQLi

This tutorial is about how to create a Pie Graph using PHP/MySQLi. In here, you will be able to learn the simple way of creating a pie graph by fetching the data inside the database. This pie graph is usually use in Analytics sales report to determine what kind of products have the most number of purchase. Whoever has the biggest slice in the pie graph it is the product that has the most number purchased by the customers. Follow the instructions below to see how it works.

Creating Database

Create a database named “salesdb”. Execute the following query for adding table and inserting data in the table.
  1. CREATE TABLE `tblsales` (
  2.   `SalesId` int(11) NOT NULL,
  3.   `Product` varchar(90) NOT NULL,
  4.   `TotalSales` double NOT NULL
  6. --
  7. -- Dumping data for table `tblsales`
  8. --
  10. INSERT INTO `tblsales` (`SalesId`, `Product`, `TotalSales`) VALUES
  11. (1, 'Surf Powder', 1400),
  12. (2, 'Mr. Clean Powder', 800),
  13. (3, 'Tide Powder', 5052),
  14. (4, 'Ariel Powder', 8030);
  16. --
  17. -- Indexes for dumped tables
  18. --
  20. --
  21. -- Indexes for table `tblsales`
  22. --
  23. ALTER TABLE `tblsales`
  24.   ADD PRIMARY KEY (`SalesId`);
  26. --
  27. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables
  28. --
  30. --
  31. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `tblsales`
  32. --
  33. ALTER TABLE `tblsales`

Creating HTML and PHP Script

Step 1

Create and landing page and name it “index.php

Step 2

Do the following codes for the index page.
  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="en">
  3.     <head>
  4.         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  5.         <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  6.         <title>Graph</title>
  7.     </head>
  8.     <body>
  9.         <div style="width:30%;hieght:20%;text-align:center">
  10.             <h2 class="page-header" >Analytics Sales Report </h2>
  11.             <div>Product </div>
  12.             <canvas  id="chartjs_pie"></canvas>
  13.         </div>    
  14.     </body>
  15. </html>

Step 3

Add the following extension to access Chart.js Libraries.
  2. <script src="//"></script>
  3.   <script src="//"></script>

Step 4

Create a php script for fetching the data in the database.
  1. <?php
  2. $con  = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","salesdb");
  3.  if (!$con) {
  4.      # code...
  5.    echo "Problem in database connection! Contact administrator!" . mysqli_error();
  6.  }else{
  7.          $sql ="SELECT * FROM tblsales";
  8.          $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
  9.          $chart_data="";
  10.          while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
  12.             $productname[]  = $row['Product']  ;
  13.             $sales[] = $row['TotalSales'];
  14.         }
  17.  }
  20. ?>

Step 5

Create a JavaScript script for displaying a graph.
  1. <script type="text/javascript">
  2.       var ctx = document.getElementById("chartjs_pie").getContext('2d');
  3.                 var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
  4.                     type: 'pie',
  5.                     data: {
  6.                         labels:<?php echo json_encode($productname); ?>,
  7.                         datasets: [{
  8.                             backgroundColor: [
  9.                                "#5969ff",
  10.                                 "#ff407b",
  11.                                 "#25d5f2",
  12.                                 "#ffc750",
  13.                                 "#2ec551",
  14.                                 "#7040fa",
  15.                                 "#ff004e"
  16.                             ],
  17.                             data:<?php echo json_encode($sales); ?>,
  18.                         }]
  19.                     },
  20.                     options: {
  21.                            legend: {
  22.                         display: true,
  23.                         position: 'bottom',
  25.                         labels: {
  26.                             fontColor: '#71748d',
  27.                             fontFamily: 'Circular Std Book',
  28.                             fontSize: 14,
  29.                         }
  30.                     },
  33.                 }
  34.                 });
  35.     </script>
Full Source Code
  1. <?php
  2. $con  = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","salesdb");
  3.  if (!$con) {
  4.      # code...
  5.    echo "Problem in database connection! Contact administrator!" . mysqli_error();
  6.  }else{
  7.          $sql ="SELECT * FROM tblsales";
  8.          $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
  9.          $chart_data="";
  10.          while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
  12.             $productname[]  = $row['Product']  ;
  13.             $sales[] = $row['TotalSales'];
  14.         }
  17.  }
  20. ?>
  21. <!DOCTYPE html>
  22. <html lang="en">
  23.     <head>
  24.         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  25.         <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  26.         <title>Graph</title>
  27.     </head>
  28.     <body>
  29.         <div style="width:30%;hieght:20%;text-align:center">
  30.             <h2 class="page-header" >Analytics Reports </h2>
  31.             <div>Product </div>
  32.             <canvas  id="chartjs_pie"></canvas>
  33.         </div>    
  34.     </body>
  35.   <script src="//"></script>
  36.   <script src="//"></script>
  37.     <script type="text/javascript">
  38.       var ctx = document.getElementById("chartjs_pie").getContext('2d');
  39.                 var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
  40.                     type: 'pie',
  41.                     data: {
  42.                         labels:<?php echo json_encode($productname); ?>,
  43.                         datasets: [{
  44.                             backgroundColor: [
  45.                                "#5969ff",
  46.                                 "#ff407b",
  47.                                 "#25d5f2",
  48.                                 "#ffc750",
  49.                                 "#2ec551",
  50.                                 "#7040fa",
  51.                                 "#ff004e"
  52.                             ],
  53.                             data:<?php echo json_encode($sales); ?>,
  54.                         }]
  55.                     },
  56.                     options: {
  57.                            legend: {
  58.                         display: true,
  59.                         position: 'bottom',
  61.                         labels: {
  62.                             fontColor: '#71748d',
  63.                             fontFamily: 'Circular Std Book',
  64.                             fontSize: 14,
  65.                         }
  66.                     },
  69.                 }
  70.                 });
  71.     </script>
  72. </html>
For any questions about this article. You can contact me @ Email – [email protected] Mobile No. – 09305235027 – TNT Or feel free to comment below.


Your code perfectly works well sourcecodester team and you are the best.

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