Web Developer

Material Design Frameworks

Submitted by alpha_luna on
Material Design Frameworks In this article, we are going to tackle about Material Design Frameworks. I would like you to know about material design in which programmers and developers are already popular for their websites and Android app. It was developed and introduced by Google Inc. Material Design used to take a good care for the user experience when they used it. It seriously connects with

NetBeans 7.4 Released

Submitted by jproimakis on
NetBeans IDE 7.4 is now available, with its HTML5 development support implemented in version 7.3, now expanded to Java EE and PHP applications, as well as support for mobile web development on Android and iOS. NetBeans IDE allows you to quickly and easily develop Java desktop, mobile and web applications as well as HTML5 applications with HTML, JavaScript and CSS. The IDE also provides a variety

Developer Tips: Bypass JavaScript’s Garbage Collections

Submitted by jproimakis on
According to Google performance expert Colt McAnlis, one of the direst problems web developers face today is JavaScript performance. JavaScript parsing engines use GC (garbage collection) for memory management, a method that allows programmers make sure memory no longer used by a program is sent back to the operating system, and though that may be helpful, memory management code in languages like

Google Released New Tools for Structured Web Pages

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The world's leading internet company Google has released a new tool for structuring web pages that will include rich snippets. Rich snippets are increasingly getting more important in Google Search results. Rich snippets enhance search results by appearing alongside the basic search results as highlights such as a thumbnail photograph or video, or a small chart or other extra that gives a clue as