
How to Create Animation in Visual Basic

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create animation that has image Magnifying and controls to the left, right, up, and down in Visual Basic. Here is the example for magnifying and let user magnify and diminish an object by changing the height and width properties of an object. The statements Image1.Height = Image1.Height + 100 and Image1.Width = Image1.Width + 100 will increase the height and the width of an object by 100 twips each time a user click on the relevant command button.

Memasukkan Gambar ke dalam Form (Insert an image into a form)

Submitted by RizkyKhafitsyah on
berikut ini adalah sebuah code yang berguna untuk mengambil atau memasukkan sebuah gambar atau image ke dalam form melalui Command button. Sebenarnya ini merupakan kode dasar saja. Dibuat khusus untuk dipelajari oleh pemula :) the following is a useful code to retrieve or insert a picture or image into a form via the Command button. Actually this is the Basic code only. Created specifically for

How to Use Status Bar in Your Application

Submitted by nass on
I know ur familiar with STATUS BAR tool in VB. And some of u am sure u dont know how to put it in action..Dont worry again about that, below are the simple codes for any begginer.I wrote only 4 lines of codes this shows how simple it is(status bar).Remember Application without Status Bar is kinda not fully presentable.. If u find difficulties,u know what to do...................!!!!!!!!!!!