Visual Studio 2012

Simple Membership System Using VB.NET and MS Access with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
The Simple Membership System was developed using, and for the database, I used MS Access. The purpose of this application is to lessen the work time of every individual and to avoid data redundancy. This project was made in Visual Studio 2012 expect that there will be a compatibility issue with the previous versions. This Simple Membership System manages the student registration and system

Airline Reservation System using VB.NET with Source Code

Submitted by amrit_tamang on
HI, this is the 4th program I have submitted on sourcecodester. This project is a simple system developed using VB.NET. About The Airline Reservation System is a project developed to manage the reservation seat of the passengers on a certain flight of the airline. This system simply stores the list of flights, planes, and passengers' reservations. The system automatically detects if the Gridview insert update and delete the records!

Submitted by ashirjoiya3 on
Here I am going to give an example about gridvew which covers the following points. 1.Insert the data in database 2.Binding the data to gridview from database 3.Grid view row editing 4.Updating the records in database 5.Grid view row deleting and taking confirmation before deleting the record For more inquiries or any suggestions about the system, please don’t hesitate to contact the

Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 Released

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The world's leading software company, Microsoft, has released the second update in one of their most popular product, the Visual Studio 2012. After just four months since the release of the previous update, the company release it's Visual Studio Update 2, as part of the their pledge to ship updates for Visual Studio in "a regular cadence." The VS Update 2 is mainly for bug fixes and performance

Download Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2012

Submitted by admin on
By default, Visual Studio doesn’t come with Crystal Reports. Microsoft has now its own reporting tool with an .rdlc extension. In order to use Crystal Reports for Visual Studio, you need to download it from SAP’s website. Crystal Reports is now called "SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio";. You can also download it directly here:

Phone Book Using with MS Access 2003

Submitted by amrit_tamang on
This is a simple phone book application. You can add/delete/search your contact with picture. This application may be useful to you. To run the program you have to extract file from zip file and go to the bin folder and double click the PhoneBook.exe. This application is developed in visual studio 2012 and using ms access database. If you have a problem in run the program you can contact me at my

Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Frameworkd 4.5 Released Through MSDN

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The highly-anticipated released of the latest version of Microsoft's Visual Studio 2012, Team Foundation Server 2012, and .NET Framework 4.5 was released today through Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN). The first that can download immediately the updates were subscribers of the MSDN only, while volume licensing customers will be able to download starting tomorrow from Volume Licensing Service