
Searched Text Highlighter Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to the Searched Text Highlighter project! This web application is designed to provide an efficient and user-friendly way to search and highlight specific text within a paragraph. Leveraging the power of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this tool offers an interactive and visually appealing interface that enhances the user experience. Whether you're a developer looking to implement a similar

Text Truncation App Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to the Text Truncation App, a versatile tool crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to streamline your text truncation requirements. This innovative application offers a straightforward solution for managing the length of your text content with precision and ease. Whether you're looking to summarize lengthy paragraphs, optimize display space, or simply maintain readability, this app

Character Limit Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to Character Limit a user-friendly web application designed to streamline text input within specified character constraints. This innovative project offers a seamless solution for managing character limits across diverse contexts, from composing concise messages to crafting succinct tweets or filling out online forms. By integrating real-time character counting and visual feedback

Simple Text Editor App using Tkinter in Python Free Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Simple Text Editor App using Tkinter in Python Free Source Code - A simple python application application that use tkinter module to create a text editor. This application can allow the user to open any text file format or create new text file that you want to use. Python Free Source Code.

Javascript - Simple Text Animation

Submitted by razormist on
Learn on how to create a Simple Text Animation using Javascript. JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex things on web pages. It is widely used in designing a stunning website. It is an interpreted programming language that has a capabilities of Object-Oriented. This code can be used as your calculator to any mathematical problem.