RFID Rs232

RFID Device with VB.Net

Submitted by g16 on
This System is written in VB.NET. It aims to demonstrate on how to make a system in vb.net using RFID Device... *The system will capture and show the RFID Number of the Card in the textbox once it is swiped or tapped on the device. Requirements - Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012 and you should have installed the RFID driver. For students who needs program or source code for thesis writing

Using RFID in VB6

Submitted by emond on
Im back again this time i will show how to use RFID Reader in VB6 Currently im developing Loadable E-Pass System for a confidential client and i want to share some of of codes regarding RFID and VB6. These is pretty straight forward i used MSCOMM (serial library in .NET) component in order to read /write buffer connected to PC's serial/usb port. This is done by using the oncomm() event in order to