Using RFID in VB6
Im back again this time i will show how to use RFID Reader in VB6 Currently im developing Loadable E-Pass System for a confidential client and i want to share some of of codes regarding RFID and VB6. These is pretty straight forward i used MSCOMM (serial library in .NET) component in order to read /write buffer connected to PC's serial/usb port. This is done by using the oncomm() event in order to read all the buffers send by the RFID interface without using the timer control. Updates: USB to RS232 converter compatible: Download and install prolific drivers. For more info please download the sample project Happy coding for Design projects, custom web and windows application, please visit
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e-gizmo rfid reader
ah okie, RFID from e-gizmo
this is out of the subject
Thank your sir!
sir nagkakaruntime error 5 ung HexIt function
Time Lock?
pwede kumuha via database din
Yes! Pwede ma-lock and Windows Time and Date
how to interface RFID Reader with visual basic?
if your reader supports
interface between RFID Reader and vb
RFID is just like barcode
my RFID is a plug and play using usb port
Mscomm control
sir i just want to ask if
my RFID reader is plug and attach to USB port
Sorry to go off TOPIC
Motorola XR400 RFID reader
RFID reader
hehehe..trick lng, demo lng
faculty locator
how to connect 2 pc using cross cable in visual basic
re: how to connect 2 pc using cross cable in visual basic
Linking VB via serial port(RFID reader) & store data on SQL ser
Rfid Project
Please contact me YM:
Magkano kea ung isang set ng rfid sa e-gizmo?
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