PostgreSQL updates

PostgreSQL Released Security Updates Against High-Risk Vulnerability

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Major updates were released by the PostgreSQL Global Development Group to its developers in order to address several vulnerabilities, including a high-risk one that could allow attackers to crash the server, modify configurations variable as superuser or execute arbitrary code if certain conditions are met. The popular open-source database system, PostgreSQL, released the update on Thursday, April

PostgreSQL 9.2 Released with Improved Scalability and Developer Flexibility

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The free and open source software, PostgreSQL project has announced the latest release of PostgreSQL 9.2 with improved scalability and developer flexibility. PostgreSQL Global Development Group has made the announcement of the latest updates of PostgreSQL through the official PostgreSQL website. The Lead Data Engineer at Engine Yar, Ines Sombra was quoted as saying that "PostgreSQL 9.2 will ship