PostgreSQL 9.2 Released with Improved Scalability and Developer Flexibility
Submitted by navajocodetalker on Monday, September 17, 2012 - 17:41.
The free and open source software, PostgreSQL project has announced the latest release of PostgreSQL 9.2 with improved scalability and developer flexibility.
PostgreSQL Global Development Group has made the announcement of the latest updates of PostgreSQL through the official PostgreSQL website.
The Lead Data Engineer at Engine Yar, Ines Sombra was quoted as saying that "PostgreSQL 9.2 will ship with native JSON support, covering indexes, replication and performance improvements, and many more features.”
Some of the most important factors of the latest release of PostgreSQL 9.2 is in it's performance improvements which come via support for up to 64 cores, alongside better lock management and index-only access.
The update also put the read queries four times faster while index-only scans for data warehousing queries are between tow and 20 times faster.
The developer will also adopt to the main changes such as the support for range restricted types and JSON. The Range Types
On the developer side, the main changes are support for Range Restricted types and JSON. Range Types will let you work more effectively with dates, times series and financial data for analysis. The developer can also create their own custom range types.
The JSON data support can store JSON documents and JSON functions that let you convert array and row data into JSON format. The Query results can be returned as JSON data types.
Other improvements that will help the developers are extensions for PL/V8 JavaScript and PL/Coffee, and an optional HStore key-value store. These are designed to let you develop apps that use PostgreSQL as though it’s a NoSQL document database.
To learn more on what's new in PostgreSQL 9.2. just head on to PostgreSQL 9.2 What's New.
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