PHP Data Objects

Clinic's Patient Management System in PHP/PDO Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This simple project is a Clinic Patient Management System. This is a web-based application project developed in PHP and MySQL Database. This project's main purpose is to provide an online and automated platform for managing data for certain Medical clinics. This system helps the clinic to easily store, retrieve, and manage their patients visiting and prescription records. It has a

How To Display Data From Database Table In PHP/MySQL Using PDO Query

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this tutorial, we are going to learn on How To Display Data From Database Table In PHP/MySQL Using PDO Query. You can use this source code to merge the last tutorial that I made and it's called Registration Form In PHP/MySQL Using PDO Query. This source code will help us on how to show data from the Database using PDO Query.

How to Retrieve Data from Database Table using PDO Query

Submitted by argie on
SQL Attack is rampant now a days, this is the way of hacking a site using SQL injection. Reading this tutorial will teach you on how to protect your queries from SQL injection attack using PDO Query. PHP Data Objects (PDO) Query executes an SQL statement in a single function call, returning the result set (if any) returned by the statement as a PDOStatement object. This is code will help you on how to retrieve data from Database table using PDO query.