PHP and SQLite3 Integration

Resort Reservation System in PHP and SQLite3 Source Code Free Download

Submitted by oretnom23 on
This simple project is entitled Resort Reservation System. It is a simple web application that provides an automated platform for certain resort management to easily store and retrieve reservation records. It was mainly developed using PHP Language and SQLite3 Database. It has a simple and pleasant user interface using Bootstrap v5 Framework. The project contains CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and

Survey Application System in PHP and SQLite3 Source Code Free Download

Submitted by oretnom23 on
This project is entitled Survey Application System. This web application provides an online platform for providing an automated survey answer sheet and automatically generating results. The project was developed mainly using the PHP Language and SQLite3 Database. It consists of multiple user-friendly features and functionalities. How does the Survey Application System work? The Survey Application

Creating an SQLite Custom CRUD Class in PHP Tutorial

Submitted by oretnom23 on

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Custom CRUD Class of SQLite Queries using PHP Language. This tutorial aims to provide IT/CS students and new programmers with a reference for enhancing their knowledge and programming capabilities using PHP and SQLite3 Database. Here, snippets for achieving the objectives of this tutorial are provided. Also, a working sample source code zip file that demonstrates the usage of the Custom CRUD Class is provided and free to download.

Creating a Database Connection with SQLite3 using PHP Tutorial

Submitted by oretnom23 on


In this tutorial, I will show you how to Create a Database Connection with SQLite3 in PHP using the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Approach. I will also teach you the basic way of creating a database table in SQLite3 in PHP. The tutorial aims to provide students new to PHP Language a reference to learn about PHP and SQLite3 Integration. Here, snippets and sample scripts will be provided.

Creating a Simple Comment Section using PHP and SQLite Tutorial

Submitted by oretnom23 on

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Simple Comment Section in your Web Application Projects using PHP and SQLite Database. Comment Section is one of the most common feature in a web application such as Blog Sites. This application feature allows users to leave a comment, ask questions, or feedback for a certain post/content. This kind of web application feature also allows other users to reply-to-comment which means other users can leave a comment under a specific comment too.

Online Voting System using PHP and SQLite with Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
This project is entitled Online Voting System (Government Official Election). This is a web-based application that provides online voting for government officials. This project handles a nationwide vote submission and counting. This has also a live vote result view page where can visitors/voters can view the voting results of each candidate. This can generate a Printable Voting Result with an

Electric Billing Management System in PHP and SQLite Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a PHP Project entitled Electric Billing Management System. This project is a simple web application that manages the electric provider company's client's bills. This application help to ease to record, manage, and retrieve the said industry's clients' billing data. This also provides their clients an online platform where they can track their billing history. It has a simple

Online Food Ordering System in PHP and SQLite Database Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a PHP Project entitled Online Food Ordering System. It is a web-based application that provides restaurant or fast foods businesses clients or possible clients an online platform to explore and order the menu they desire. The project is straight to the point and best to start with developing Online Food Ordering System to meet your client's requirements. The project has a

Simple Cashiering System (POS) in PHP and SQLite Source Code Free Download

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a Simple Cashiering System in PHP. This simple project is a web-based application that can help businesses to manage their day-to-day transactions. This can help to ease the work of the management or cashier of the business to do transactions with their clients. It also helps to store the transaction details and retrieve the transaction records without hassle. About the Simple

Simple Issue Tracker System Project using PHP and SQLite Source Code Free Download

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a Simple Issue Tracker System in PHP. It is a mini-project that manages the issues for some processes, forms, products, or anything that needs to be fixed with another department of the company. It is a sort of issue ticketing system that provides an automated platform for the company's employees to raise the problem or issue they encounter for a certain process/turn over a