Thanks much!
Thank you for sharing! Use a lot of sqlite projects in the classroom since nearly impossible to run mysql on server.
This is a Simple Cashiering System in PHP. This simple project is a web-based application that can help businesses to manage their day-to-day transactions. This can help to ease the work of the management or cashier of the business to do transactions with their clients. It also helps to store the transaction details and retrieve the transaction records without hassle.
This project was developed using PHP and SQLite Database. It has 2 types of system users which are the Admin and Cashier. The admin is in charge of managing the list of users and product lists. He/She also has access to manage all the features and functionalities that this project has. The Cashier user role/type is only allowed to manage the POS Side of this simple project. Talking about the POS feature. the system user can easily add an Item by simply entering the product code and the system will provide an autocomplete widget for the item list according to entered code. The user can also automatically add the item quantity while selecting the item. To do this, the user must include the item quantity before the product code is separated by the "*". The POS system has also a feature that the user can manage a discount for their customer in each transaction process.
I developed this project using the following:
Admin Panel
Staff Side
The Simple Cashiering System Project's Source Code is free to download on this website. Feel free to modify it the way you desire.
file and uncomment the sqlite3 and save the file.Username: admin
Password: admin123
That's it. You can now explore the features and functionalities of this Simple Cashiering System in PHP. I hope this project will help you with what you are looking for and you'll find something useful for your future projects.
Explore more on this website for more Free Source Codes and Tutorials.
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Thank you for sharing! Use a lot of sqlite projects in the classroom since nearly impossible to run mysql on server.
Hello, you don't have to import the database since I used SQLite as the database in the project. See the Demo video, it includes where and how you can uncomment the SQLite library on your XAMPP. Thaks