Bootstrap Contact Form With Html To PDF Converter

Submitted by rinvizle on
This Bootstrap Contact Form With Html To PDF Converter is developed in Html, PHP and PDF extensions. This application is compose of Html forms to input a data of every persons or users. Every data that the user submitted it will directly sent to the pdf library and generate a print form. Each session of the submitted button creates from the Html it will convert automatically to a pdf format.

jQuery Upload Multiple Images In PHP

Submitted by rinvizle on
This tutorial is written in PHP and jQuery. We create this project and named as jQuery Upload Multiple Images In PHP. Every file contains post upload process and move the files in uploads directory. First check directory and error after that check if single file coming then process separate if multiple files handle in loop. You will see all the files that you uploaded in the directory folder.

Simple Love Calculator

Submitted by rinvizle on
If your looking for a Simple Web Application for entertainment I have here a Simple Love Calculator using PHP and Javascript. This application has a two inputs of a name for the male and female. Every letter or name that the user encode the application will automatically calculate the percentage of love with that two names that the user encode. The calculation of the percentage is driven by the javascript to show how much percentage that the two name will be each other or not.

Live Chat using PHP and JavaScript

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will create a Live Chat Using PHP and jQuery. This live chat application we will be creating is a simple web-based application that creates a chat or message through the other users of this application. And it will include a login and logout system using Ajax features and it will also support for multiple users.

Countdown Celebration Event

Submitted by rinvizle on
Hello Guys! We will create a Countdown Celebration Event using strong>Javascript time format script. This project creates a celebration event or countdown event in different event that you have, it is a simple form of event using html for the GUI and javascript for the date and time for the given event based on the real-time monitoring using your laptop or desktops default date and time.