Object Oriented Programming

Monitoring of Students Cyber Accounts System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Chris Jim Egot on
This is a Monitoring of Students Cyber Account Balances System Project that has been developed using PHP, HTML, CSS, and jQuery. This system was built for a certain school to help the school's cyber center manage their student's account balances. The system allows the system users to populate the list of students with their cyber time balances for each semester. The system has a pleasant user

Monitoring System (Dashboard) using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Chris Jim Egot on
This a Monitoring System Project using PHP. The purpose of this article is to help other programmers especially those who are beginners to learn how to develop a Web Application using PHP Language. The system has the commonly used features/methods on developing projects such as Login/Logout, CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete), Datatables, and many more. The project was developed using PHP

Part II: Updating and Deleting of MySQL data using an OOP approach in PHP

Submitted by GeePee on
This tutorial is a continuation of our previous tutorial called Part I Creating and Reading of MySQL Data using an OOP approach in PHP. Be sure to read it before continuing this tutorial. All we need is add three PHP files called edit_user.php, process_edit_user.php and deleteuser.php. Create a file called edit_user.php. and add the following code: The main purpose of this code is used to display the selected data from “index.php”.

Part I: Creating and Reading of MySQL Data Using OOP Approach in PHP

Submitted by GeePee on
This tutorial I will show you on how to perform Object Oriented Programming using PHP and how easy to manage our source code and deal with objects and update the code easily. Before we move on to writing object-oriented code in PHP, it is important to understand the basic concept of classes, objects, properties, and methods. A Class is like a blueprint of a car. It defines how car created from the blueprint will look and behave, but it still an abstract concept. An Object is like a real car created from the blueprint.


Submitted by Muzammil Muneer on


In this part you will learn: 1. What is polymorphism 2. Why need polymorphism 3. What is virtual function 4. What is pure virtual function 5. Program 6. Output Polymorphism Polymorphism means having many forms. In c++, when we are dealing with classes and their inheritance, there occurs a case when we have more than one derived classes of the base class. Using polymorphism we can call a member function, which will, depending upon the type of object that invokes the function, cause a different function to perform. Polymorphism makes the program simple.


Submitted by Muzammil Muneer on


In this part you will learn: 1. What is inheritance? 2. Why we need inheritance? 3. Syntax 4. Program 5. Output Inheritance In c++, the concept of inheritance is just like inheritance in family. As we all are child of our parents, we have inherited their many things from them. Similar is the case in programming.

Operator Overloading

Submitted by Muzammil Muneer on

Operator overloading

In this part you will learn: 1. What is meant by operator overloading 2. Why we need to overload operators 3. Syntax 4. Program 5. Output Operator Overloading As the name suggests, operator overloading means to make overloaded function for an operator of a class. There are many operators in programming the basic ones are given below • logical operators(,>,=,>=,==,!=) • Arithmetic operators(+,-,*,/,%) • unary operators (++,--) • assignment operator (=) etc. We can even overload console input and output operators.