
E-Commerce/Shopping Cart Web Application using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Satyam Raj on
This is an eCommerce website source code called Amaclone. This was built using PHP, MySQL Database, Bootstrap, and jQuery. Most of the typical e-shops' major functionalities are included in this PHP project such as shopping cart and categorized display of product. The admin panel is not yet developed in this version but feel free to create your own. The Amaclone eCommerce Website has also Users

Online School Fees System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Lewa on
This is a simple PHP/MySQL Project entitled Online School Fees System. This web application can help certain schools to manage their students' fees/payments. The system is not only managing a one-time payment, this web application calculates the existing balance of the student which means the system stores every payment to a fee of the student until it is totally paid. The system also allows multi

ecommerce platform PHP/MySQLi

Submitted by janan on
Project: E-Commerce Website using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code Somstore is a fully functional eCommerce Online Sales system that has its own Dashboard design "CPanel" which I have developed in 2014 for my final year University Project. About This online sales system is a kind of shop that evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a business retailer or shopping center; the

Angular 6 Starter with Laravel 5.6 API Service

Submitted by klevis on
Angular 6 and Laravel 5.6 This project is a starter for creating interface with Angular using bootstrap && css && sass and using Laravel 5.6 for api requests. Demo Installation This project is divided in two parts (projects) and before use them you should follow the instructions below: Angular Project Interface Local Environment > git clone https://github.com/kleviscipi/personal-bank.git > cd

Mini Youtube Using ReactJS

Submitted by moazkhan on
This is one the best starter for ReactJS. MiniYoutube as the name suggests is a youtube like website developed using reactJS and youtube API. This project actually let's you search , play and list youtube videos. Do check it out and start learning ReactJS. Keep following for more awesome tutorials. If you like it then please encourage me by giving a star on Github: https://github.com/moazkh60

Angular 6 and Material, Database with Firebase & Firestore.

Submitted by klevis on
Angular 6 This app is starter for angular 6 and materialize. Ademo is online : https://mat-bank-engine.firebaseapp.com/ After extract the zip on your terminal pres the command $ npm install for install all packages and dependecies. Run $ ng serve for host the app on your local. Run $ ng build for deploy the static files or $ ng build --prod for production mode. The tecnologies used on this app

Simple Calculator Using Bootstrap And JavaScript

Submitted by Rhalp Darren Cabrera on
Basic calculator using js function with bootstrap design License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Rhalp Darren Cabrera, https://github.com/rhalp10/Calculator Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Bootstrap Calculator"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights

Simplest Online Notepad for Copy/Paste in PHP

Submitted by opensource on
It's a simple and secured online notepad. It uses PHP file handling functions and there is no database. Just upload and start using it. Create your own unique url : https://note.initedit.com/Enter_your_unique_Text Shortcuts key : ALT + N = New File ALT + C = Copy all ALT + U = URL Copy ALT + D = Download CTRL + S = Save CTRL + L = Lock , Unlock, Edit CTRL + DEL = Delete File File status : Locked =