
Online Car Wash Booking System in PHP/OOP Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This simple project is an Online Car Wash Booking System in PHP. This is a web-based application project developed in PHP and MySQL Database. This project is an online platform for booking an appointment for a certain Car Wash Business. This application provides possible clients of the car wash business to submit their appointment for the service they wanted. This application has a

Simple Market Billing System in JavaScript Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a simple Market Billing System mini project source code. It was written using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The application is a web-based application that provides an automated platform for managing the customer bills for buying some product items. This application uses only the browser's local storage and data are being managed using JS localStorage. This application has a

College Attendance Management System in Python using Django Free Download

Submitted by oretnom23 on
College Attendance Management System using Django in Python This project is entitled College Attendance Management System. This is a web-based application developed in Python using Django Framework. The project helps certain College School Faculties store/record and manage their students' attendances per class. Using the application they can easily list their class student list and record each

Simple Budget App in JavaScript Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a mini-project called Simple Budget Application. This is a very simple web-based application that manages the user budget and expenses. The application was developed using JavaScript. It uses the browser's local storage as the data storage. The application contains Create, Read, Update, and Delete Operations for expenses. This has a pleasant user interface using the Bootstrap

Simple Secure Password Generator using JavaScript Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a mini-project called Secure Password Generator App. This is a simple web application that can generate a secure password for users. This was developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript. It has a simple and pleasant user Bootstrap v5 Framework and is easy to use. I am sharing this source code to give new programmers, especially the students or self-learners an Idea of how to create

Keeping Notes Web App Project using JavaScript (jQuery) Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a Keeping Notes Web App Project in JavaScript. This mini-project web application manages the user notes to keep. This has a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) Operation Functions. With this mini-project, you can learn how to create a simple JavaScript project that uses the Web Browser's Local Storage. The source code might be useful for your future Web Application project

AngularJS How to Create a Loader

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a loader using Angular JS. Loaders are usually used in AJAX request before success occurs. You will also learn in this tutorial how to used $timeout of Angular JS which executes a command after a certain amount of time. Angular JS is a javascript framework maintained by Google and is capable of creating Single-Page Applications.

How to implement Data Table on Table

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to implement Data Table in database-driven html table. Data Table is a jquery plugin which provides a beautiful presentation and efficient functionalities of your database-driven table. These functionalities includes table sorting, table searching, pagination, table information and give the user the option to select table length.