Exception Handling

Exception Handling in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
Sometimes, we encounter different errors along the program whenever we executed it. For example, the file does not exist in the given path, network connections are not connected, or any errors that you have experienced when you're learning how to program. This is what we've called Runtime Errors. One way to prevent it is the Structured exception handling. In this tutorial for C#, we will used the Try-Catch-Finally statement.

Exception Handling

Submitted by donbermoy on
Sometimes, we encounter different errors along the program whenever we executed it. For example, the file does not exist in the given path, network connections are not connected, or any errors that you have experienced when you're learning how to program. This is what we've called Runtime Errors. One way to prevent it is the Structured exception handling. In this tutorial, we will used the Try-Catch-Finally statement.

Try Catch

Submitted by joken on
Visual Basic Programming has an Exception to handle errors and other exceptional events. As a programmer, it is the best way to use a try catch to deal with unhandled exceptions. Especially when your program has disrupted the normal flow of instructions. Syntax:
    [ tryStatements ]
    [ Exit Try ]
[ Catch [ exception [ As type ] ] [ When expression ]
    [ catchStatements ]
    [ Exit Try ] ]
[ Catch ... ]
[ Finally
    [ finallyStatements ] ]
End Try
The main purpose of exceptions is to manage errors.

Exception Handling

Submitted by admin on

What is an Exception?


“When an unusual, irregular, abnormal or nonstandard condition arises in a sequence of code at run time this phenomenon is referred as Exception handling

An exception is a runtime error.

In Object Oriented, an exception is an object that is used to describes an exceptional condition that has occurred in a piece of code.