Consonants Counter

How To Make Counter For Numbers, Vowels, And Consonants Using JavaScript

Submitted by alpha_luna on
This program that I make using JavaScript Programming Language is How To Make Counter For Numbers, Vowels, And Consonants Using JavaScript. This program will ask the user to type their sentence on the Textarea of Form Field then the program will calculate the number of vowels, consonants, and numbers. This program is very simple and you can create after downloading the source code below as your own.

Words, Vowels and Consonants Counter Version 1.0

Submitted by jakerpomperada on
About this code I called this program Words, Vowels and Consonants Counter Version 1.0. There are many codes somewhat similar to this over the Internet that I see but it seems their is a lack in terms of functionality it can count the consonants. So I have decided to make my own code to solve this program here is it. I intended my code for those people who wish to improve there programming skills