
Data Structures and Algorithms: A Beginner’s Guide

Submitted by rems on
Are you new to the exciting world of computer science and programming? Curious about data structures and algorithms but unsure where to start? You're in the right place! In this beginner's guide, we'll take you on a journey through the fascinating basics of data structures and algorithms. These concepts might sound complex, but we promise to keep them simple and straightforward. Think of data

Intro to JSON-LD: What It Is and How to Use It

Submitted by rems on
Sharing and organizing information on the web is crucial in this modern era. Whether you're a web developer or just someone interested in the online realm, you've probably come across different data formats. One of these formats, JSON-LD, might sound intimidating at first, but it's not as complex as it seems. In this article, we'll provide a simple introduction to JSON-LD, explaining what it is

IDE vs Code Editor: A Comprehensive Guide

Submitted by rems on
In the world of programming, the tools you use can make a world of difference in your productivity and coding experience. You've probably heard of IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) and code editors, but you might be wondering: What's the real difference between these two? And which one is right for you? In this article, we'll break it down for you in simple terms, avoiding the use of

10 Tips for Writing Clean, Efficient, and Maintainable Code

Submitted by rems on
Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code is the best practice for building the long-term success of your software projects. With this approach, it becomes easy for you and your team to understand, debug, and enhance your projects over time. Imagine that you are building a house, and you want it to be constructed strongly, easy to renovate, and well-organized. Just as a well-constructed

Useful AI Tools for Front-End Developers

Submitted by rems on
An AI tool, or Artificial Intelligence tool, is a software program constructed using algorithms and mathematical functions. These tools make it easy to search for or request what you need by using them in web browsers connected to the internet. Some of them can even generate code, which is very helpful for programmers. Designing a website or web application can be time-consuming and tedious

Rust, a Modern Programming Language That's Taking Over the World

Submitted by rems on
Rust, a programming language celebrated for its speed, safety, and expressive nature, has been steadily gaining ground among developers in recent years, emerging as one of GitHub's most favored languages. The surge in Rust's popularity can be attributed to several compelling factors. Firstly, it boasts exceptional speed. Rust programs can match or even surpass the performance of C or C++ and

Google AI Created PaLM 2, a New AI Model That Can Generate Code

Submitted by rems on
In a groundbreaking leap in the field of artificial intelligence, Google AI has unveiled PaLM 2, an exceptionally versatile AI model. PaLM 2, short for "Powerful Language Model 2," represents a significant evolution from its predecessor, PaLM, as it expands its capabilities across various domains. This large language model (LLM) boasts extensive training on a colossal dataset comprising text and

Very Basic Java Fighting Game

Submitted by mjcabalar on
Sharing you the source code of this simple fighting game created in java[eclipse]. You will learn character animation, basic interaction and some AI implementation. If you have some questions just spam me at mark[dot]cabalar[at]yahoo[dot]com. Visit Part 1 and Part 2 for some additional information. Live Demo: Visit my blog: Happy coding!!!

Random Code in PHP

Submitted by azalea zenith on
If you are looking for on how to create Random Code in PHP then you are at the right place. In this tutorial, we are going to learn on how to create random code using PHP. You can use it this simple project in your existing web application or systems like in registration form, before sending information you can use the random code to confirm it before sending data to the database or you can use it as a random code for your selling items in POS web project, etc. Take a look the source code below. This simple code, we are going to use it to have a random code.