
Random Code Generator using C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create a program that will generate a random code or id using the C# language. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2. Add one textbox named txtIDno and one button named btnGenerate.

Source Code Manager Using C#

Submitted by Akshay Kumar2 on
This application helps in managing your source code while you are coding. It has got a number of features : 1. You can save your source code and can edit it search it, delete it. 2. You can also view source code added by others. 3. Code can be exported in various file formats like .txt,.pdf,.doc, etc. 4. It has the feature of sending code to you through email as well. 5. You can also create a user

Try and Catch Statements

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This page will teach you about the Try and Catch statements in Java. What is a Try and Catch statement? A Try and Catch statement is a very handy statement which allows the program to handle errors and warnings thrown by the scripts. Each Try and Catch statement contains the block of script to handle, a single or multiple exception(s) followed by block(s) of script which are executed if that specific exception is thrown by the handled script.

Short Hand If Else Statement

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial page will talk about the short hand version of an if else statement. Important: I highly recommend you read through the If Else tutorial page before reading this tutorial. How is the short hand if else statement structured? The short hand version of an if else statement is used through a couple of symbols, here is the layout of the statement; Action (setting a variable, function or method, etc.) - condition - "?" - What to do if the condition is true - ":" - What to do if the condition is false. When is a

Return Keyword

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome! This tutorial page will teach you about the "Return" keyword in Java. What is a 'keyword'? A keyword is a word which already has a set/pre-defined action within Java. For example; public is a keyword which allows other classes to access the public variable or function/method. So, what does the "Return" do? Return is used to send a value back from a method or function to the place where it was called. The type of value to return depends on the type of method the return keyword is encased in.

Do-While Statements

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This page will teach you how to use the Do-While statements in Java. Important! It is fairly important you understand the While Statement before reading this tutorial page. It can be found on the main Java Tutorial Thread page. What is a Do-While Statement? A Do-While Statement is very similar to a While Statement, with one exception.

For Each Loops (Iteration)

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome, this page will teach you how to create a For Each Loop in Java. What is a For Each Loop? A For Loop is very similar to a For Loop within Java except it only requires two arguments and instead of referring to the current value of the loop through the index, we have an actual item. When are For Each Loops used? For Each Loops are used for iterating through a list of values or items and performing an action on each of them individually.