
E-Commerce/Shopping Cart Web Application using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Satyam Raj on
This is an eCommerce website source code called Amaclone. This was built using PHP, MySQL Database, Bootstrap, and jQuery. Most of the typical e-shops' major functionalities are included in this PHP project such as shopping cart and categorized display of product. The admin panel is not yet developed in this version but feel free to create your own. The Amaclone eCommerce Website has also Users

Online School Fees System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Lewa on
This is a simple PHP/MySQL Project entitled Online School Fees System. This web application can help certain schools to manage their students' fees/payments. The system is not only managing a one-time payment, this web application calculates the existing balance of the student which means the system stores every payment to a fee of the student until it is totally paid. The system also allows multi

Inventory and Monitoring System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by winex01 on
Hi! This is an Inventory and Monitoring System Project in PHP and MySQL database. The system was mainly built/developed to manage a certain pharmacy's stock/items. The system will help the pharmacy's management to monitor their stock in and stock out easily. They can easily restock the items and remove the expired medicinal drugs from the stock list. The system has also a simple sales transaction

Equipment Inventory System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by winex01 on
This is an Equipment Inventory System project that was developed using PHP and MySQL Database. This system was developed for a specific organization to organized and track its equipment. The system has 2 modules which are the Admin and the Users. The Admin is in charge of populating the main list of the system and managing the equipment to easily track the items. Aside from that, the "request for

Simple Ordering System with Cash as Method of Payment and Receipt Report

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will show you how to create a Simple Ordering System with Cash as Method of Payment and Receipt Report. This simple system is created for ordering and adding a product. Every product that the admin created will be added to the system, and every product that the customer had been ordered has a discount. The system can also generate a receipt.

Insert and Delete Record in Database Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will create a simple Insert and Delete Record in Database Using PHP/MySQL. This simple tutorial creates or insert a new data from our webpage to our database. You can also delete the data you inserted. The purpose of this simple tutorial is to show the live updates of every data you inserted and deleted.

PHP/MySQL Simple Water Billing System

Submitted by rinvizle on
We will teach you how to create Simple Water Billing System. This simple system uses for recording the water consumption every month you use, it also creates and total all your consumption from your previous record to the present. You can also generate a report for the billing process of your records from the beginning you started using this system.