
Simple Blog Site (CMS) in PHP and SQLite Free Source Code

Submitted by kmasong on
Simple Blog Site This is a Simple Blog Site (CMS) that was developed using PHP and SQLite Database. This simple mini-project is a sort of Content Management System (CMS). I developed this web application to share this and help other newbies to understand how to build a blog site using PHP Language and SQLite. About the System This simple web application has simple features of a blog site which are

Responsive Online Blog Website using PHP/MySQL with Source Code

Submitted by donbermoy on
This is a Responsive Online Blogging Site using PHP/MySQL that I did in my previous years as a project to my client for his Thesis/Capstone Project. I may say that this is a responsive web application because it has a lot of features such as calculating the views coming from the guests, embedded a map, and many more features. The online site has an admin panel where published blogs, categories

Fantastic Blog (CMS) in PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Ronald Ngoda on
This is an absolutely fantastic web content management system for blogs/articles. It enables you to easily manage your website or blog without much hustle. With this system, you will run your blog like a boss. It provides you a wide range of capabilities to customize your blog to fit your needs. It has great features and you don't have to touch any code to have your blog up and running. There is

Blog Site using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Blog Site using PHP/MySQL is a project that produces article content for a website dynamically. To develop this project, I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Bootstrap [ ]. Feel free to download and modify this project and hopefully it will help for what you are looking for. Features: Manage Category - On this feature, the admin can add, edit and delete blog category

Blogify Blog Script in PHP/MySQL

Submitted by Torrahclef on
Blogify is a PHP/MySQL script that allows you to start your own blog for free. Its a complete blog script and its totally free to everyone to download. If you have any difficulty in installing this script, please contact me via my mobile +2348138652645 (Whatsapp) or email [email protected]. Let us create a whatsapp group chat for sourcecodester users. Download and install this script its free

Best Free Android Apps for Smartphone

Submitted by Amandeep Kaur on
Android is world’s most popular operating system. Increase his popularity, thousands of apps are developing or growing in android marketing. These apps are divided into numbers of a category which you can use to make work easier.Here some most important apps which can change the experience to use the mobile phone. Messenger Apps Here some best of messenger apps are available: Whatsapp Whatsapp is

Laravel plus Bootstrap Framework Authentication system and Blog post& Read

Submitted by ranjit1 on
How to setup Laravel go to In this project i have made Authentication system Plus Blog Post & Read. When you create an account a link will be send to your email address and after clicking that link in your inbox your account will be activated.otherwise you will not be able to login. This can be done through localhost using smtp protocol. if you have any