
Simple PHP Blog

Submitted by yethroy on
This is one of good Blog Application that allow user to create new blog category. Add new blog post in a given category. Display all blog posts, all blog categories with their posts. In the source there is blog.sql file just create a new database called blog then import it to that database and enjoy. for any questions contact me in private message system of this website or through email yethroy

I'm Back

Submitted by admin on
After a long period of silence, I wish I could give you more source code to enjoy. My lack of presence in the past few days was due to my hectic schedule in my office. Although I am still doing what supposed to be done in my website but my time is not enough to suffice the work. Programming is of course not just a simple job. It needs time to work with, a determination to finish what you have

A Very Important Tool A Computer Programmer Must Have

Submitted by admin on
We are now facing the age of the internet. Everyone who wants to ride on this must do something to maximize your profit. If you want your name to stand out in the crowd, then follow these simple steps: 1. Build your own website. Building a website today is very cheap. It will only cost you around $7.95/month for webhosting and $9.95/year for a domain name. Some webhosting company cost only $6.95