
Upload binary data the Database

Submitted by planetsourcecode on
Some times we have the requirement to upload an image to the database in binary form. As uploading a image file to the database has many different benefits as compare to uploading files to the Web Server Folders So let’s starts from the database table design The fields includes in table are: 1) ID – Primary Key 2) Filename – Store name of the file. 3) Mime- what type of file is it.

Regular Expression for a Strong Password

Submitted by planetsourcecode on
This snippet shows a Regular Expression for a strong password. ^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?!.*\s).*$ About the author: Planet Source Code is a place for all developer providing free source codes, articles, complete projects,complete application in PHP, C/C++, Javascript, Visual Basic, Cobol, Pascal, ASP/VBScript, AJAX, SQL, Perl, Python, Ruby, Mobile Development

Guide to the HyperLinkField

Submitted by planetsourcecode on
If we use GridViewin, we see Hyperlinkfield, at first time we thought that it is very easy to use but at another second we get confuse how to use it so I am going to focus on using it in a Gridview which is populated from database the main thing of HyperLinkField is work like a regular hyperlink in our GridView. The main four properties are here concerned are: 1). DataTextField,