
Child_Care Information system

Submitted by Loty4u on
This is a child care management information system I created using VB.NET and Microsoft Access at back end. Feature includes: Add a Motherless baby to the database Search for a particular baby using his/her ID Number Edit/Update information of a baby For more information or additional features, send me mail on [email protected]. Username: Loty Password: lot Enjoy.

Product Information System using VB.NET/MS Access

Submitted by donbermoy on
Hi guys! I want to share with you this Product Information System created by 2nd year ITP students using Visual Basic.NET and MS Access as database. This system was programmed through Visual Studio 2010 and have your crystal reports installed. This system features: - add, edit, delete, search product information - product records - login/logout - user registration - inquiry - stockin for having

Creating User Account Information in Java - Searching Records to Database

Submitted by donbermoy on
This is a continuation of my last tutorials entitled Creating User Account Information in Java - Adding Records to Database. So, in this tutorial we will create a function button that provides searching of records in the access database. Now let's start this tutorial! :) 1.

Sealines Ticketing System

Submitted by donbermoy on
This is a project made by the 3rd year BSCpE students in their computer programming 3 subject entitled Sealines Ticketing System. It features deck information for your cottage, route information with the locations and can determine either one way or round trip, vessel information for the information of ships, passengers information to save records of passengers, creating account in the system, and

Forum Tutorial - User Levels #1 - Setting Up & Altering Register Functions

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial will be continuing my creating a forum in PHP/MySQLi/HTML tutorial series. I have received a request to implement user levels to the system, so this tutorial will be setting up the things we need, and adjusting the register script to avoid errors. The Theory: Each user will have an access level, each of which have different permissions.

Annual Inspection Section (Database System)

Submitted by mrdobLedos on
Hello... This program entitled "Annual Inspection Section (Database System)" was my 6th uploaded tutorial since i became a member of this site! It was currently used at the "City Government of Makati" Eng'g Dept, and i'm currently working on it 'coz its not finished yet.... Anyway guys.... it has some bugs that i'm trying to fix. Anybody who will help me is my pleasure.. thanks..