Barangay Population Monitoring System Using PHP, MYSQL and Chart.js with Source Code


Welcome to the Barangay Population Monitoring System, a cutting-edge solution crafted using PHP, MySQL, and Chart.js to facilitate efficient population management within barangays. This comprehensive web application offers a secure user authentication system, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access critical data. The system's user-friendly dashboard provides real-time insights into total population figures, the number of puroks, the most populated purok, and the average population. Utilizing Chart.js, the dashboard dynamically visualizes population distribution across different puroks, offering an intuitive and interactive experience.

The Barangay Population Monitoring System feature empowers administrators to seamlessly add, update, and delete resident information, providing a centralized repository for comprehensive resident details, including full names, purok locations, and contact numbers. With a sleek and responsive design, the Barangay Population Monitoring System is equipped to enhance the efficiency of barangay officials and administrators, offering a powerful tool for community management. Experience the convenience of data-driven decision-making and visualization in population monitoring, ensuring effective governance and resource allocation within your barangay.

You may also check some simple PHP and MySQL projects:


  1. User Authentication:

    • Secure user login with a username and password.
    • Admin credentials for access control.
  2. Dashboard Overview:

    • Real-time statistics on the total population, number of puroks, most populated purok, and average population.
    • Graphical representation of the population distribution across different puroks using Chart.js.
  3. Masterlist Management:

    • Comprehensive masterlist of residents with details such as resident ID, full name, purok located, and contact number.
    • Ability to add new residents to the masterlist.
    • Edit and update resident information.
    • Delete residents as needed.
  4. Data Visualization:

    • Utilization of Chart.js to visually represent the resident count in each purok.
    • Bar chart on the dashboard dynamically updates based on the resident data.

Technologies Used:

  • PHP: Server-side scripting language for dynamic web page generation and database interaction.
  • MySQL: Relational database management system for efficient data storage and retrieval.
  • Chart.js: JavaScript library for creating interactive and visually appealing charts on the web.

How to Use:

  1. Login:

    • Access the system using the provided admin credentials on the login page (index.php).
      • Username: admin
      • Password: admin
  2. Dashboard:

    • Explore the dashboard (dashboard.php) to get an overview of key population statistics.
    • View the dynamic bar chart that represents resident counts in each purok.
  3. Masterlist Management:

    • Navigate to the masterlist page (masterlist.php) to manage resident details.
    • Add new residents, update existing information, and delete residents if needed.
  4. Data Visualization:

    • The dashboard features a graphical representation of the population distribution across different puroks, providing a quick and intuitive understanding of the data.

Sample Screenshots of the Project:

Landing Page (Login Page)

Dashboard Page

Masterlist Page (List of Residents)

How to Run?

  • Download and Install XAMPP.
  • Download the provided source code zip file.

Note: The database is included on the provided zip file.


  • Create a database named "barangay_db" in phpMyAdmin MySQL.
  • Transfer the provided source code to the htdocs folder.
  • Import the provided SQL file into the created database.
  • Open your browser with the link "http://localhost/barangay-population-monitoring-system/index.php".

Video Demonstration for Installation/Setup:


In conclusion, the Barangay Population Monitoring System stands as a testament to the fusion of modern technologies to address the essential need for streamlined and data-driven governance in barangays. By leveraging PHP and MySQL for robust backend operations and Chart.js for dynamic data visualization, the system provides an effective platform for monitoring and managing community demographics. With its user-friendly interface, secure authentication, and comprehensive masterlist management capabilities, this system empowers barangay officials to make informed decisions and allocate resources efficiently. The project underscores the potential of technology to enhance community administration, fostering a more transparent, responsive, and data-centric approach to population monitoring in barangays.

That's it! I hope this "Barangay Population Monitoring System Using PHP, MySQL and Char.js" will assist you on your programming journey, providing value to your current and upcoming PHP projects.

For additional tutorials and free source code, explore our websites.  

Enjoy Coding :>>

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